xl. don't freak out

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R E A L L I F E !

everly was getting ready to leave her house, as wyatt had texted her that he was outside already.

"bye ev, love you!" her mom shouted from where she was sitting as she saw her heading towards the door.

"bye mom! love you too, see you when i get home!" she quickly shouted before heading out the airbnb they were currently staying at, and into the uber parked right outside.

"hey wy." everly told wyatt, giving him a small hug before putting on her seatbelt.

"hi ev." he says once they've let go of each other.

"ok, so, where are we going, anyway?" everly says as she settles into her seat and the car starts driving.

"i told you. it's a surprise." wyatt says.

"you were being serious? i thought you were joking!" everly exclaims.

"no! i wasn't joking."

"the one time you're not jo kingh, jeez." everly sighs, pretending to be disappointed.

"sorry, ev." wyatt says, shrugging his shoulders.

"are you really not telling me?" she questions him, obviously not believing him.

"nope." wyatt smiles at her.

"fine then." everly crosses her arms and then says, "just a psa though, you can't blame me if i ask about it the whole car ride there."

"understandable." he laughs and nods his head.

once they get to their destination- which everly finds out is a park- they get out the car, thank their driver, and start walking towards a grassy, secluded area.

as they're talking, wyatt suddenly turns so his body is fully facing everly.

"first, sorry i didn't actually, like, explain what i meant by "let's go out tomorrow." second, don't freak out please?" he says, his voice sounding both worried and concerned.

"wait, wyatt what are you talking about?" everly asks, clearly confused.

"just...this," he turns to stand next to everly and makes a sweeping motion towards the picnic a few feet in front of them, "was meant to be a date, but i couldn't find a way to tell you so..."

"wyatt...it's ok. it looks beautiful." everly assures him, smiling.

"really? you think? it's not much, i mean i could've done better, probably. maybe."

"wyatt, no, it looks gorgeous. by "let's go out tomorrow" i didn't know you meant like on an actual date! i would've dressed nicer or something!" she exclaims, nudging him shoulder.

"you look great, don't worry. also, how are you being so nonchalant about this? i've been freaking out since i started planning it!"

"well, i mean...it's kinda obvious we both like each other, right?" everly asks.

"yeah, you're right." wyatt confirms, nodding his head.

"as always." everly quips before tugging on wyatt's arms and shouting, "let's go!" running off towards the picnic.

"going!" wyatt exclaims, laughing and running after her.

as soon as they both reach the picnic, everly hugs wyatt tightly, whispering a "thank you" to him before letting go, which causes wyatt to smile at her.

the whole picnic- which was spent sitting on the grass instead of on a blanket, as originally planned- everly and wyatt talked about the most random of things, switching from topic to topic, as they usually did when they were able to talk for long amounts of time.

"should we start heading home?" everly asks wyatt once she noticed that the sun had begun to set.

"i meaaaan," wyatt says, dragging out the 'a', "i don't think we have too much of a choice, do we?"

"not really, sorry babes."

both of them began to pack up their things, getting ready to go wait for the uber that wyatt had ordered at the front of the park.

once the car arrives they get in, holding hands and making small talk the whole way to where everly was staying.

they both get out, since they decided that they still wanted to be together and wyatt's mom told him that she would pick him up.

"does your mom know that...you know?" wyatt asks as they're walking towards the house.

"that you're coming over or that we just went on a date? i kinda didn't know the second thing so i didn't really get a chance to tell her." everly says, teasing him.

"the first part, ev!" wyatt exclaims.

"she knows, don't worry about it, wy." everly says, just as they get to the front door.

everly opens the door, calling out, "i'm home, mom! wyatt's here, too!" before both of them head upstairs to everly's room to watch movies, as they had decided to do in the car.

"something funny, or something scary?" wyatt asks.

"i say we watch 'it'. seems like a good mixture of both genres."


"come on! you basically set yourself up for that one!"

wyatt shakes his head, smiling a little, telling her, "false information."

"yet you've said i'm always right."

"i'm being attacked! wow, just because i wanna watch a movie."

"lies!" everly exclaims, laughing. "i would never. also, we can just play a game if you want. i'm not really in the mood to watch anything."

"playing video games with you to end a date night? seems perfect to me."

"well then, that's what we shall do."

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