Chapter one

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You woke up in your friends Page's room.You guys had been friends when you were babies.Nevertheless you were born in Texas such as Page and her brother Peter.Then at the age of 4 you moved to Florida because of your older brother.When you were 6 you moved to California were you thought if your older brother would behave you could stay in one place.

At the age of 7 your family moved to Washington as your family found a great school their.After 4 months your olderest brother who was in high school got back to being into trouble as you moved to New Jersey were you made friends.Then at 8 your mom and dad spilt up and you went with him to Massachusetts and now you are 10.Starting in new York city.

Page was basically your sister.Peter was some what similar to Page.but you could not talk to him as if he was Page. "Y/N!!"Page yelled waking you up. "Coffee?" You asked which made her laugh as Peter ran in. "Mike is here!" Peter yelled over and over again.

"Why?" You asked trying to get under the bed.Mike was your brother that made you move a lot. "Y/n he is like the best brother better then-" "That is not true!" Peter said knowing what Page was about to say. "What Peter said" You said as you fell asleep again.

(two days later)

"Sweetie you'll love this school!" Your dad said driving the car to Beecher prep.Yeah a privte school. "No I will not!I don't have Page!" You said as you sighed.Page went to another school.Your older brother Mike who was 26 had 4 kids was visting.Which you met only 2 of them so you think your brother lied about the other two.

"Peter goes here!Have fun at this tour!" Your dad said as you got out.You looked at this school which looked better then the ones you have been at.You seen a kid and his mom walking near the school as you went up to them. "Hello i'm Y/N are you here for the tour?" You asked as the boy looked at his mom.

"Tour?!?" The boy said as his mother looked down at him. "it will be okay Auggie" She said as the boy looked at you.He made you think of your friend that looked almost like him but his hair was blond. "You look like a friend of mine." You told the boy holding out your hand.The boy took it. "I'm Auggie" The boy said looking down.

"Y/N L/N...You should keep your head up." You told him as he looked at you. "It's better to let people know your brave and have trust in yourself!" You said as he let go fo your hand.You smiled at him as he smiled back. "I'll meet you later Auggie?" You asked the kid as he nodded.Yeah this kid was a lot like your other friend and you hoped you would be friends with him.

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