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"Oh! There she is! Hi Becca" my sister Erica screams as she waves to my girlfriend on the other side of the park from us.

"Dear god, you're so embarrassing" I insist as I try to tie her hands down so we don't draw attention to ourselves.

Rebecca's graduation was today and she invited me and my family down to see it. Her mom wouldn't let Oliver leave again and Steve's job isn't the most predictable so they couldn't make it. Of course as soon as I asked my family if they wanted to come see Rebecca graduate they all drove out and hung out with us the last few days. This was a big day for Rebecca whether she wanted to admit it or not. She even got to say a speech and graduated at the top of her class. I'm happy that my family and I can be here for such a important moment in her life like this.

So we gathered in Grant Park at the stage and welcomed the small graduation class of 2010 which included Chloe too. So Jonny joined me and my family as we sit in the crowd and waited for something interesting to happen. They bring everyone out and thanks to my sisters loud ass mouth Rebecca finds us in the crowd.

"What's Chloe doing after she graduates" I ask Jonny as they finish getting everyone seated. It was such a nice April day and Chicago was not letting us down.

"She's not sure yet. She was going to hang around here for a little before she figures that out" he claims. "What about Becca" he wonders.

"She's at least finishing out this season on the beat" I explain.

"Good. She's a really cool girl and the guys love having her around" he insists.

"She has that effect on people" I agree.

"Do you think she would leave" he asks.

"No" I say before giving it a little thought. "At least I don't think she would" I insist.

"Not even to go home" he asks.

"If she did leave she would go home. I know she doesn't go back a lot because it's hard for her but I think it's harder for her being away than staying here. I know I miss my family so much during the season and I make sure I can see them whenever I can. I can only imagine how hard it is for her to not know how Oliver is doing or if Steve needs a helping hand. She doesn't talk about it much but that doesn't mean it's not on her mind" I admit.

"Maybe you should talk to her about it" he suggests.

"There's a reason she doesn't like to talk about it much. I don't know why but it must be a good one. I've tried to talk to her but she shuts down. Everyone has a chapter of their life that they don't want to read out loud, and when it's time she will tell me. But until then I'm going to support her and whatever decision she decides is right" I insist.

"God you're so soft" he smirks and I laugh.

"Thanks" I tease.

The ceremony gets started and the president of the university and some professors say some words. One by one they announce the major and student as they walk onto the stage and accept their degree.

Finally it comes time for Rebecca to get her degree and my family and I stand up and cheer for her loudly. She looks up and smiles at us before accepting her degree. She shakes everyone's hands before sitting back down.

A little while later she returns to the stage and steps up to the mic. She was rehearsing her speech over and over the other day and she was so nervous. But I knew she would be great, she always is.

"Hello everyone. My name is Rebecca Tyler and I am a journalist major. Well, I guess I was before I got my degree" she laughs. "When I was originally approached about doing this speech I turned it down because I like to write more than I like to speak. But then I realized that this is the perfect opportunity to tell the world what it needs to hear, even if they don't want to hear it.

With my four years here I realized that no matter who you are, no matter how much money or charisma you have, change is scary. It can be as simple as changing your phone case to changing your major. Change is naturally terrifying to every single person no matter what age or race or what belief system they carry.

But I wanted to take this opportunity to accept change. To embrace it and let it move you. Fear isn't bad, you fear something when there is a chance for it to change you. And change is not bad either. It's how we get better, how we grow and learn. I want for people to do something that scares them, and I'm not saying to go pet a snake or jump off a cliff. If you're scared of commitment then you should still fall in love, it's such a beautiful thing. If you're scared of failure you should try it anyway. The only thing you will lose is a opportunity to be whoever it is you have to be.

So once we all leave here today and go on to start the rest of our lives I want you to look back one last time. Look to see if you're where you want to be, if this is it. And if not I want you to change now, it's not too late. It's never too late. A new chapter of our lives starts now and if you start off on the wrong foot it'll make it feel like everything is wrong. But I promise it's not, you just have to be more scared of remaining the same than a little bit of change, that's all.

I wanted to thank you all for an amazing four years here in Chicago. I hope we can all keep in touch and I'll see you all eventually. Thank you to the professors who listened to every excuse we threw at you and still stayed late even though you knew we were lying. And thank you to all the friends and family who are here to support us. We couldn't do it without you.

Thank you."

She steps off the stage to a round of applause and the ceremony was done. We meet her by the side of the stage and steal her away from everyone.

"Congratulations sweetie" my mom says giving her a hug and Becca smiles.

"Thank you. And thank you all for coming, this means the world to me" she insists.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world" Erica insists.

After about a hundred pictures of her and Chloe and Jonny and everyone in my family, we were done here. It was about time for the last game of the season as we close out this regular season on a high note.

I go back to my place and grab a suit and get changed. I stand in the mirror in my room and finish getting ready. Becca appears beside me and fixes my tie for me because lord knows it's not done correctly.

"I loved your speech today, you did amazing" I insist.

"Thank you Patrick, that is very sweet of you to say" she smiles.

"Of course. Too bad you're stuck with me" I tease and she giggles.

"Yeah, too bad."

The Power Of Love (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now