Chapter 7: Interrupted

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Fiona settled herself into the chair across the wide desk from Mr. Bishara, shrugging her jacket off behind her, a little relieved Mr. Rana wasn't in the principal's office as well. The way the vice-principal watched her always made her a little nervous, even if he had accepted her as a proper student now. "What did you need to see me about?"

The principal smiled at her, leaning back in his own chair. "I wanted to check in with you about how your Christmas was. As I understand it, this was your first voyage abroad. I know Ms. Irving will have taken good care of you but thought it best to be sure of it."

"It was good. Meredith's family were very welcoming, especially her mother. I really enjoyed being able to see part of Scotland, and it was nice to have Christmas with a bunch of people. It-It was only ever me and my mom before."

Mr. Bishara nodded. "I'm glad. There is one thing I wanted to mention. I received the bill for your credit card."

Fiona felt herself go cold, her heart speeding up. Had she spent too much? She probably shouldn't have gotten so many clothes, and presents for other people. Really, the card should have only been used for things she absolutely needed.

"You needn't be so circumspect with your purchases. The card is there for you to use, and you seem to be worried about the state of my wallet. You shouldn't be. I can anything you wish to buy. I know you're not the type of person to buy frivolous things like a boat or a helicopter, so please, don't hold back."

She let out a long breath she hadn't realized she was holding. "I don't want to take advantage. I did buy some Christmas presents, which I know isn't strictly-"

"Buy as many as you want next time. I personally owe you for the distasteful business this fall."

Fiona shifted in her seat but kept her unease off her face. "Thank you."

Mr. Bishara opened his mouth, but closed it when there was a sharp knock at the door. The knocker didn't wait, opening the door immediately after and walking in. The blonde woman who walked in was dressed impeccably in a charcoal suit, black heels, with only the red of her lips as a pop of colour. "Mr. Bishara, the board has some questions about the new safety measures here."

Brown eyes found Fiona, and the woman frowned. "I will save the rest of this discussion when there aren't children present."

Fiona couldn't help bristle a little at being called a child, though she'd honestly been called much worse. Multiple times. For years. Growing up poor and in some of the rougher schools did have that effect.

"My apologies, Ms. Kokinos. I hadn't realized we had an appointment today. Ophira Kokinos, this is Fiona Wilde, one of our new students. Ms. Wilde, this is Ms. Kokinos, the chairman of our board of directors."

Fiona offered her hand. "Nice to meet you."

Ophira grabbed it in a limp grip and gave it the barest of shakes. "A pleasure, I'm sure. Now, if you'll excuse us?"

Glancing at Mr. Bishara, Fiona waited until she saw his nod before she stood up, jacket under one arm. "Thanks for meeting with me, sir." She hoped the extra inflection told him what she hoped it did. That she appreciated him, but not his guest.

His dancing eyes said he'd gotten something from her sudden use of sir, but Fiona couldn't be sure it was what she'd meant. The principal was entirely too slippery to pin down. As she closed the door behind her, she couldn't help but hear Ophira's voice. "Your handling of the entire situation has been poor, and the board is concerned about the rest of your staff."

Fiona winced. She didn't think the whole Mme. Fontaine could have been handled better, not unless someone else had been able to suss out that the comas were caused by her. She didn't think anyone could have. Mr. Bishara had certainly run everywhere trying to figure out was going on, and he had more experience than anyone else on the whole island, and most likely, in the whole country.

Then again, Fiona didn't know how many djinn were in the country. There could be many, and she had no idea if the principal was considered particularly old or not. Two millennia could be young for a djinn. And that alone was an odd thought.

Fiona shook her head and started walking back to her dorm, pausing only long enough to put her jacket back on. She was glad she did when she opened the door and a cold wind blasted around her. The sun high above belied how cold it was. Her breath fogged out in front of her as she followed the paths that teachers and students had trudged through the glittering snow.

Across the dorms' courtyard, Fiona couldn't help but notice the handful of students who were fine without jackets. Mostly from Fire dorm, though a few from Water and Spirit. Fiona was sure she wasn't the only student here jealous of their imperviousness to the cold. Really, she had difficulty not being jealous of all the other students and staff here. They could do things she could only dream about, and that wasn't about to change.


She turned, smiling as Perry bounded towards her, Chay following close behind. Further back, Meredith turned at the sound of her roommate's name and waved. With that kind of welcome, Fiona guessed she couldn't be too jealous. The other students might have abilities she didn't, but she had friends that more than made up for it.

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