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Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten

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      NARUTO WAS SILENT FOR A WHILE AFTER SHION HAD SNAPPED AT HIM like that of a wild animal. In her ever extending defense, Naruto had succeeded in pissing her off far too much the last couple times she had talked to him. Worst of all, he still wouldn't tell her what crawled up his ass and died, making him into such a moody dickhead. Shion was quite done asking, and decided that after all this, she was going to beat him senseless.

      "What are we going to do?" Naruto asked, peeking over her shoulder as she prepared another trap in the form of a bomb. She glanced his way before grabbing his hand and ignoring the way his face inflamed in red as if he just ate a whole pepper.

      Peppers sound so great right now, Shion thought with a longing sigh. "You are going to do nothing but stay quiet. No offense, Naruto, but you have like no fighting ability."

      "That's not true, dattebayo," he defended, watching as Shion's brow raised past her bangs.

      "Right," she replied, stretching out her syllable. "Look, Naruto, I'm not making fun of you. It's not a sin to suck a fighting."

      Those were not the right words. Shion realized right away that negativity or criticism wasn't something Naruto took very well, and he stormed past her. "I'll show you, dattebayo. Then you'll regret ever doubting me."

      Shion blinked, almost unbelieving his own pride as he stormed past her and triggered the bomb he watched her activate only thirty seconds ago. "Naruto, wait!"

      She barely managed to grab him in time, tossing him into the grass as the explosion caught her side. She felt a burn travel up and down her leg. Her reflexes were always one step ahead of many others, so she rolled into the dirt. It didn't matter as she saw her leg was a red color, swarming with spots of dark red, charred skin that she could feel just as vibrantly as she could see it. Looking at it somehow made it hurt all the more. She had to bite down on her tongue to stop from making a sound that would give away their position. She pressed her palm against her mouth, as if she could keep it in, keep in that her entire body was shaking.

      She attempted to stand back up at the sound of footsteps approaching, but her leg screamed at her in protest. She took deep breaths as if her leg wasn't moist and oozing with congealed blood. The pain wouldn't end, and moving was increasingly difficult. She tried to move Chakra to that leg, to add some strength to her muscles, a temporary relief. 

      "Shion..." Naruto's voice didn't break her out of her pain, but it gave her a new emotion of blinding rage as she moved her harsh gaze towards him. It was as if a powerful brush of cold air ran over him, and he dared not say another word.

      "That looks painful." One of the enemy ninja crept out of the shadows of the trees, causing Shion to stand up despite the pain. "How embarrassing is a self-inflicted burn?"

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