Chapter 10- King of Weirdos

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I think I spent one hour and a half crying while seated in the toilet booth. Liam had left half an hour ago eventhough he wanted to stay and comfort me. I strictly told him no and when I found the best opportunity for him to leave, I shooed him out.

I then sat back down at the very same position and started crying all over again. By the time I wanted to go outside for recess, I found out my eyes were swollen badly from the crying.

My throat was sore and my hair was messy. I cleaned up the best way I could by combing my hair down, drinking some water and putting on some eyedrop I found at the bottom of my bag.

I looked so much better except for the swollen and slightly reddish eyes. I looked like as if I hadn't slept at all last night which was partly true. I tried smiling crookedly and told myself, "Alexa Langston. You are not a crybaby. Deal with it."

Taking a deep breath in, I exited the toilet and headed to the cafeteria. My plan was to buy food and eat somewhere else. I can't have people looking at me, the huge scar on my face and my completely swollen eyes. It's embarrassing.

I put some of my books from the last three periods into my locker then headed to the cafeteria doors while occasionally sniffing. In front of the cafeteria doors, I spotted Katie talking to some senior guy.

I felt horrified that her behaviour had suddenly changed so rapidly. I really wanted to know the main reason why was she acting this way. Was it because of me?

"You're the cutest thing I've ever seen so far," Katie batted her eyelashes at him while twirling a few strands of hair around her finger.

'Oh my God! She's flirting," I thought to myself, not sure of what to feel at her current choice of actions.

My lips trembled and I had to use my hands to manually stop them from shaking. Losing my best friend had a huge toll on me... A huge toll that I apparently can't handle.

I shook the thought of going to the cafeteria and headed for the nearest door leading to the back of the school. All my feeling of hunger had dissolved and I just didn't have the appetite to eat anymore.

I walked as fast as I could to prevent Katie from seeing me eventhough my sore muscled legs protested. I ignored them and walked while tightly holding onto the sling of my bag.

Finally, I reached outside. 'Yes. Fresh air is just what I need,' I thought and went to find a secluded corner. It had been a very stressful day full of suspicion, anger, fear, sadness and God knows what. I didn't even want to think about it.

I rubbed my temples and connected my butt onto the floor. I then unslung my bag from my shoulder and tossed it aside. "Hey," Liam exited the same door I just came out of a moment ago.

I breathed in and said, "Hey."

He nodded and swiftly tossed me something from the back of his hand. I wished I could say that I stealthily caught it gracefully and landed on my feet Jackie Chan style. In reality, it sadly bounced off my hand, onto the wall and smacked the floor with a plop sound.

Liam started laughing as I gave him the face while bending down to get the fallen piece of sandwich in a plastic bag. "Ha-ha, Liam. Very funny."

"Hahahaha. I saw Katie at the cafeteria doors and figured you wanted to avoid eating there so I got you a little something," He said and took out his own sandwich from his back pocket.

"Wow. Thanks. No one's ever done that before for me.... Smart guy," I exclaimed and grinned at him.

He sat down beside me and we started eating while talking of anything at all other than Katie and the DAB members. Once we were almost done, I felt some sort of presence looking at us so I turned to the left at the corner of the wall and saw someone peeping at us.

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