Chapter 12- It's Familiar

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"I don't deserve it, darling you look perfect tonight," I hummed and muttered the last line of Ed Sheeran's song called Perfect.

My back is against my locker with my earphones on while waiting for recess to finish. I had to meet up with one of my teachers for some homework assignments that I missed out and was to lazy to walk to the cafeteria.

I'm perfectly fine where I am. My shoulder was tapped and I opened my eyes to see that it was Gwen. There was something wrong about her like as if her usual cheery aura had dimmed down. Probably because of her panda eyes that she's trying to conceal under some makeup and her slumped shoulders.

She bit the bottom of her lip while her finger tapped on her thigh nervously, "Hey, Alexa."

I switched off the song that was currently playing on my phone's playlist, "Hey, Gwen. Are you okay? You look really tired."

"Don't ask me that. I'm just so sick and tired of everyone asking me that," She scowled and shut her eyelids tightly.

I instantly felt regret at asking her the question. "Look, I'm sorry. I'm just having a really bad week. It's driving me crazy. I mean I wouldn't be here right now talking to you if not because of it," She rubbed her temples hardly.

"Figures," And I might have or might not have accidentally scoffed at her which caused her to glare at me so intensely.

"What did you just say?"

'Shoot. Big mouth,' I scolded myself. Then, an unexpected idea popped into my mind on how to cheer her up. I opened my locker and got out two extra blouses that have been sitting in my locker collecting dust for six months just in case of accidents.

Actually, I'm quite relieved to be finally able to use them again. "Follow me, Grumpy Sally."

I strutted onward, keeping a safe distance from her just in case she decided to pounce on me. We walk into the school toilet that is currently empty due to recess. "Prepare for your mind to be blown," I twisted the tap opener and cupped my hands into the running tap water.

Once it was full, I threw it into her face. Her eyes widen and I filled my hands again once more and splashed it onto her stomach. "OH NO YOU DIDN'T. YOU LITTLE--"

"Oh shut up," Another splash made her shriek as her neatly tied up hair was dripping wet. I kept going on offense mode even though it seemed that my life and death was at stake.

Gwen quickly managed to make a comeback by finding the hose the cleaners used to clean the toilet and soaked me with full power. "LET THE GAMES BEGIN, LANGSTON."


Water was flying everywhere as the both of us tried to aim and shoot at each other's hair or blouse. Gwen covers part of the hose end with her finger and the water sprays the whole place from top to bottom.

Not one spot  in the toilet wasn't wet with water and we were lucky the light bulb didn't die out. Me and Gwen were panting once we were done. "Suprise.... Suprise...," Unable to hold my breath properly.

"Well, this was splendid. Look! We are completely DRENCHED," Her previous annoyed demeanor came back but with a hint of mischievousness in her eyes.

"At least we don't have our periods," I shrugged and squeezed the damp out of my hair.


"Okay, we're dead."

We spend the next hour trying to dry off as much as we can. When we were done, all we felt was the cold and dampness in our clothes, the squishing of our shoes when walking and our still-slightly-wet hair thumping against our backs with each step we took. Sorry, no. Each step we ran.

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