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Rye: Hi
Andy: Anon?
Rye: Indeed :)
Andy: To finally be able to speak to you like this feels...intimate
Andy: Even though your profile picture is a generic one of a giraffe
Andy: Unless you really did take it and not just off of Google, in which case, you're a brill photographer!
Andy: Anyways I lowkey feel like I'm speaking to a giraffe
Andy: is this why you've been hiding from me
Andy: please ignore me ramblinG i don't normally do thiS i just wanna see your facE i guess
Rye: one thing at a time, buddy
Rye: Now
Rye: Tell me what's up with you
Andy: what if iwanna know more about you?
Rye: Later
Rye: if ever
Rye: i'm not all that interesting
Andy: it's not like i'm all that great
Rye: Pffftt
Rye: Can you even IMAGINE
Rye: Andy Fowler being 'not all that great'
Rye: yeah, oKaY
Andy: i mean, my ex seems to think so
Rye: what happened with her?
Andy: she broke up with me
Rye: why would anyone want to break up with you?
Andy: we've always been on again off again
Rye: you deserve better than that
Andy: you really think so?
Rye: yeah :)

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