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I take another sip. I wipe my eyes and stand up. I knew exactly who I was going to see. I hide the bottle in my bag and exit the restroom.

I make my way back to the entrance to see if the group was still there. They were. I checked to see if I had money, hopefully I had enough. I walk over.

"Can I buy some" Grayson, carter and their other friend laughs. Ethan just stares.

"Wow, Jenkins buying some drugs. That's a sight for sore eyes" he laughs more.

"Shut the fuck up Grayson" my blood was boiling.

"Woah alright Kasey Jenkins. What would you like?" I sat thinking. I have no fucking idea about drugs.

"I need ones that calm me down. Make me feel numb" their smile fades.

She was hurting. We could all see it. She was shaking, her eyes bloodshot. She doesn't know what's she's doing. She's broken. Drugs isn't the answer. I stare at her, she makes eye contact with me. I shake my head signalling that she's making a bad decision.

She just ignored me and looked back at Grayson. He gave her a bag. She struggles to get her money out.

"Hey Jenkins, you get this one free" Grayson winks at her. She smiles and runs off. I see Nicki staring at us. I roll my eyes as her Elliott and Lauren walk over.

"What the fuck was Kasey doing over here" Nicki spits.

"She wanted something to calm her. I'm guessing alcohol wasn't enough" Grayson smirks.

"You're So fucking stupid Grayson" she shouts.

"She's unstable and you're here giving her drugs. Are you aware that she has been drinking. Drugs and alcohol don't mix" shit I completely forgot she had drunk.

"Fuck" I mumble.

"If she collapses we'll get done for selling drugs" Grayson is in panic mode.

"You're a dick Grayson, she could collapse and you're worried about fucking getting caught" Nicki was pissed.

I ignore the rest of them and run off.

"Hey E where you going, we need you" I ignore him and continue searching. I need to find her. I run around the school. I check the girls restroom and notice her sitting by the toilet.

She was damaged. I don't know who did this to her but I swear to god I will kill him. I don't know what it is about her. I walk over and sit down next to her.

"Kasey?" She looks at me.


"Did you take them?" She shakes her head. I sigh in relief. I move closer to her and she flinches like I was gonna hit her.

"How about we take you home?" She shakes her head and grabs on to me.

"I can't go home E" no one except Grayson or my ex called me E. She looked scared.

"How about I take you back to mine? Is that okay?" She nods.

Kasey tries to stand up but struggles. I wrap my arm around her and help her out. Everyone was in their class so the halls were empty. I opened the doors and a man was standing there. A familiar looking man.

why was Ethan helping me? He opened the doors and Derek stood there. What shit timing.

"Well well..." he threw the cigarette on the floor.

"Ethan, go" he looked down at me. I nod my head and he lets me go, but he still stood there.

"Derek fuck off" He furrows his eyebrows.

"Kasey... what would your mother say about you being drunk at school" I look down. I open my mouth to say something but he stops me.

"You stink of alcohol Kasey so don't try lie your way out of it" I roll my eyes.

"Get in the car" I shake my head.

"I'm going no where with you" I spit. I turn to Ethan.

"Call Tyler or my mom. It's important" he nods and I give him my phone.

I turn back to Derek. I walk towards him. He pushes my hair behind my ear. It makes me cringe.

"Definitely got your attitude from your mother. Even Grace had the same attitude" Ethan's head immediately turned to us when he mentioned Grace. Tears fill my eyes and my blood boils.

"Don't fucking mention her name" I clench my fists just to try calm down. He grabbed my wrist tightly and a car pulled up. It was Tyler. He ran over to us and pushed Derek.

"How many times do I have to tell you for you to get it in your fucking head!" Tyler is red from anger. I pull his arm.

"I'm fine, Just I want to come home" he nods and grabs my bag from me and puts it in the car. I walk over to Ethan.

"Thank you e" I smile and I get my phone back. I walk to the car. Ethan never took his eyes off me. I drive away.

I have no idea what the fuck was going on. I think this was her dad but she's calling him by his name. I guess they don't have a good relationship.

He mentions Grace and I notice Kasey change. The tone in her voice changes, her body language changes. She had tears in her eyes, she was about to cry.

He grabs her wrist and tightly. Tyler tells me he's on his way and hangs up. Next thing I know he pulls into the school parking lot.

"How many times do I have to fucking tell you for you to get it in your fucking head?" He storms over to Derek. A vein in his head is about to explode.

Kasey grabs his arm and he automatically calms down.

She walks over to me.

"Thank you E" she smiles and takes her phone. She gets in the car and I don't take my eyes off her, until she's out of sight. I usually don't like people calling me E, but with her it's different.

The car journey was silent. Tears silently fell down my cheeks. I took the pill out the bag.

"What's that?" Tyler kept looking at the pill then back at the road.

"Pain killers" of course I lied. He continued driving. I put the pill in my mouth and downed it with a drink.

I wonder how long it'll take to settle. I decided to Snapchat Grayson asking how long.

Me: Grayson how long will this pill take to settle in?

I came off Snapchat and waited for a reply.

graysondolan is typing...

I unlock my phone and swipe onto the chat.

Grayson: usually half an hour or so.

Me: okay thanks.

I lock my phone and stare it the window. I just really hope it work.

•Drug Dealer• ~ G.D {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now