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We walked to the beach. I put my hair in a messy bun.

"Can we get some ice cream?" I grab his arm. It was like I was a little kid asking her mom for a toy or something.

"Yeah" he laughs.

"What would you like?" I stood there looking through the options.

"Double chocolate mint ice cream please" the man scoops it up and put it into a bowl. He adds more chocolate to it. He puts a spoon in the bowl and hands it to me.

"Thank you" I smile and walk to the bench. I sit down and start eating. Not long after Grayson joins.

She was just gorgeous. I kept looking at her. She caught me and started giggling.

"Like the view?" She mimicked me. I laugh.

"Yeah I do" he cheeks redden. I noticed she was wearing two necklaces.

"How comes you've got two necklaces?" She looks down at her chest.

"Ones from Grace and the other was from my grandma" I nod.

"I really like that one" I pointed to the longer one.

"This one was from Grace" I instantly felt bad. She started giggling.

"Why you looking down that area anyway"

"Hard to resist" I smirk.

We finish our ice cream. He holds my hand as we walk to find a perfect spot.

"Here" we place our towels down. I start running to the ocean.

"Oh my god it's fucking freezing" Grayson starts laughing and runs past me, he's trying to show off. He dives under and comes back up instantly regretting it.

"Oh my fuck" he was shivering. It made me laugh.

"That's what you get for being cocky" he smirks.

"Hey I could really use a hug" he starts running towards me, I run away but he was too fast and grabbed my body swinging me around. His body was freezing.

"Okay Grayson put me down!" I start laughing as he puts me down. He goes back int the water.

"Come on Kasey, it's not that cold once you get used to it!" He yells. I turn to go back to the towels quickly but I notice someone staring.

"Kasey what's wrong?" Grayson runs up behind me.

"Look at that guy there. He's just staring" Grayson clenches his jaw when he notices him.

"Stay here" I stand still and Grayson walks towards him. I'm not gonna lie it was pretty fucking creepy. Grayson spoke with him and handed him something. The guy gave him money and Grayson ran back over.

"What was that?" I ask but Grayson didn't tell me.

"Nothing" it was obviously him dealing drugs. I ignored it and went into the ocean.

The sun was setting, Grayson and I grabbed our towels and made our way back to the cabin.

"Thanks for today, I really needed it" I look down. He grabs my hand and smiles at me.

He gets the keys to the cabin and unlocks the door. We walk in and turn the lights on. Someone broke in.

"G-Grayson" he shut the door and ran into the room where the safe was. It was open and all his money was gone.

"Fuck" he punches the wall. I walk to the kitchen and there was a couple of photos on the counter. I walked up close to them. They were pictures of me in my bikini... from today.

"Grayson!" I shout and he comes running in. I hand him the photos.

"They're photos of me..." Grayson's jaw was clenched. He turned the photos over. One had a message on it.

'Need Ethan's payment or you can kiss your little girl goodbye'

A tear falls from my eye. We were being threatened. Grayson pulls me in for a hug.

"I won't let him touch you, I promise" I felt safe in his arms.

I sat on the sofa in Grayson's hoodie. I tied my hair up. He walked in and gave me and handed me a hot chocolate.

He rang Ethan.

"Ethan you need to get your ass back to the cabin now"

"I'll explain when you get here" he hung up and leans against the wall. He ran his hands through his hair.

"Grayson I'm scared" he walked over and sat next to me.

"I know baby girl. I promise I won't let him do anything" I put my drink on the table. Grayson cupped my face. He leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"I promise" he holds me tightly. The door unlocks and Ethan comes running in. He stops and examines the room.

"What the fuck happened?!" His eyes full of anger.

"Trey" Ethan grabs the photo frame and throws it.

"For fuck sake" he runs his hands through his hair

"Ethan it was my money that was stolen not yours. You're the reason we're in this mess"

"What are those?" He points down at the pictures. He picks them up and stares at them.

"They're Kasey" He looks up at me then back down at the pictures.

"Yes Ethan they are Kasey. And look what it says on the back" Ethan flips it around and reads the message.

"Fuck!" He rips the photos and puts them in the bin.

"How the fuck am I meant to get the money?"

"Sell some fucking drugs" Grayson was getting irritated. He stood up grabbed the bag full of drugs and threw it at Ethan.

"Maybe if you would have been helpful at school instead of staring at Kasey all the time you would've made more money... but because you didn't they've threatened Kasey" I grab Grayson's face and turned him towards me.

"Calm down Grayson. I'm fine, we're fine" His body was so tense. He took a deep breath and sat bat down on the couch.

I look at the time. It's about 10 pm.

"I'm going to sleep" I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I clean my face and get into bed. I fall asleep straight away.

I wake up out of breath. I was sweating.

'It's just a dream'

Tears fell from my eyes. I keep having the same fucking nightmare. He came in and took grace away.

I grab my phone and it's about 3 in the morning. I turn the lamp on. I get out of bed and walk to the living room. No one was home.

"Ethan? Grayson?" No reply

Where were they?

•Drug Dealer• ~ G.D {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now