Chapter 4

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I called Christina and Mr Brown to a meeting a few days after the exposure of Christina's Wednesday evening activities. I was in good spirits as I had just found a plan that I believed would solve all our problems.

"You're going to do what?" was Mr Brown's reaction.

"Dissolve the factions and allow people to live in a non-grouped society again. Instead of factions we will have people who can lead separate parties that can be voted for in elections. Whichever party gains the most votes will rule Chicago." I explained

Christina seemed incredibly toward the idea.

"But if it's parties then how can we get a leader." questioned Mr Brown who was still either confused or deliberately being annoying to stop the change.

"Each party will have a leader who will be elected by the members of their party. People won't be forced to live in the same area as their party leader, they can live free and just vote for the party who has the ideas they agree with mostly." I explain again.

"Alright" Mr Brown accepts "I'll give it a go but I still think the factions would be better."

Christina couldn't hold back her thoughts for much longer, she let them burst and snapped at Mr Brown "Because clearly your stupid factions are working so well. In case you hadn't realised, the city is almost at war over them so the least we can do is try something different. Maybe the factionless and feminist will stop their threats if we do it. So shut up and try something different."

Mr Brown wasn't stunned as Christina had hoped "Well at least I'm not a feminist."

I ignored what Mr Brown had said and tried to forget that he had accused Christina of feminism. All I knew was that the tension between Mr Brown and Christina was too much to be able to work with both of them. "Mr Brown. You are fired."

Mr Brown laughed "You can't fire me, I'm not even your secretary to fire."

I knew that but I had to get rid of him so I thought fast and invented a position that I could fire him from "No, but I pay you for being my adviser and that is your only source of income since you don't work as a janitor any more at the hospital. So I fire you as my adviser and I suggest you get a job".

Mr Brown was defeated. He picked up his empty briefcase from the table and left the office "You'll regret this." he yelled with his fist in the air as he left, slamming the door behind him.

"Wow." Christina exclaimed "He's really gone."

"Yep" I laughed "But now I bet he'll join the factionless as he has no choice and no job."

"How ironic" Christina smiled

I had one thing that I needed to do now I had removed the main problem. I needed to find someone to help me build a political party so that I could stay in power to sort out the mess I had created. "Christina?" I asked

"Yes Tobias." she replied with her big eyes and inquisitive smile

"Do you want to help me form a party?"

"Yeah, sure." she agreed.

I was pleased to be working with my best friend on a project we both believed in.

The people of Chicago were pleased with the idea of a new political system. They returned to the calm flow of factionless life and began to find out what political parties had been established. Everyone was happy with being able to return to their original jobs and I had grown in support again after removing my factions. Maybe this was one think I had to admit I had in common with my mother, we both liked free flowing communities and less rules.

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