Chapter 2

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A knock sounded at my front door. I woke up but ignored it. It came again. I tried to forget about it, I didn't want to speak to my mother this early in the morning. A third knock came with shouting "Tobias Johnson. Are you in there Sir?"

I leapt out of bed and scrambled to find my shirt. This wasn't my mother and was probably important for the mysterious voice had called me Sir.

I ran towards my front door and pulled on my shirt as quickly as I could.

"Yeah, give me a second." I replied to the voice, slightly delayed.

I ran my fingers through my hair to smooth it before turning the handle to let in my visitor.

"Pleased to meet you Mr Johnson my name is Mr Brown. I am to be your secretary." Mr Brown held out a stiff hand that I shook before inviting him in.

"I do apologise for the early visit, but the morning bird does catch the worm."

I didn't like this guy already. He shows up at 7 on a Saturday, uses ridiculous sayings and could be entered into a competition for worst dressed person.

I decided to test his sense of humour: "Aren't secretaries supposed to be tall, leggy women who can only make coffee and answer the phone."

He looked offended "Johanna decided a less stereotyped secretary would be more appropriate to show equality and represent all groups."

"Of course she did." I commented with unrepressed sarcasm "Only Johanna would turn down a beautiful companion for an average old guy."

Mr Brown didn't look amused but he didn't look offended. Maybe he got jokes like that quite regularly and just didn't find them funny anymore. Actually, I just don't think he has a sense of humour. Let alone was a lover of jokes.

He was short and bald with a few brown tufts of hair on the sides of his head. His attire consisted of brown trousers with suspenders that were clearly too big and a dark green shirt with a patterned bow tie. His whole look was finished with a mustard blazer and little brown glasses that matched his briefcase.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr Brown." I lied "To what do I owe the pleasure of your company this Saturday morning."

Again he picked up none of my sarcasm but answered "I'm here to discuss your first decision that you need to make."

"Which is?"

"Are you going to indulge in any sort of grouping system for the people of Chicago?"

"I didn't even realise that I could do that." I exclaimed

Mr Brown answered my rhetorical question "You are the new leader. You can."

I thought for a minute about my choices and then said "Maybe."

"Alright?" repeated Mr Brown

"Maybe, I might have a grouping system. But not one as restricting as the factions if I decide to go with them."

"Very well. I shall give you until 6 to decide the details." Mr Brown smiled before walking towards the door "I will return then to discuss them and help you write a speech explaining them."

Once he had left, I sat on my couch and thought about what he had said. It seemed strange than only one guy would be sent to ask me about my first decision of Chicago. And why did it have to be regarding factions. It puzzled me so much I decided to call Amar to ask him.

"Hey Tobias" he said when he answered the phone.

"Hi Amar, I need your advice." I got straight to the point

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