life as escaped princess

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i dedicated this story to SLGrey2904

i know im not that great like you but still it did gave me the courage to at least try

warning i edited this chapter only*


guys this is my first time  making a story.. and bare with my english grammar.. because english subject is not in favor of me

        another town to visit and joined the upcoming sword duel that is really dangerous to begin with because its fight to death where wealthy noble make high bet for it. it is only know to some people that such a game is being held onto this town. well i beat up one of the player that was invited here and grab the opportunity to make this for leaving. i always do this because the money will support me for another weeks or month when i won the prize. 


         Sweat covered all over my body due to heat, smiling wickedly while dodging his broad sword. My opponent is tall with broad shoulders, bulging muscles on arms and legs, and he’s smirking like an idiot thinking that he will win this fight.  

While I’m swiftly dodging from left to right, side step, jumping, it’s like I’m dancing in the arena, analyzing my opponent while doing this. i thank liam for this more agile movement and deadly. I block some of his attacks and give him some counter. I think he’s starting to be pissed off by this. While Im observing his move, I noticed some of his flaws. When he stands straight, he always leans on his left side. Which mean his dominant is on the left side. When he bends his left leg down to attack and holds his sword upward to get a momentum to strike me, his body slows down. There it is an opening on the torso. I swiftly move inside his space, well I’m practically fast because of my small physique; he’s too slow and can’t dodge my advance. I thrust forward my sword aiming him right to his chest.

I plunged it deep then twist it before pulling it out. His movements suddenly halt, staring at me with wide eyes, dropping his sword. Clutching over his chest while coughing out blood, the champion for the last two years fell on his knees then collapsed to the ground. The crowd in the arena erupted in roar and cheers, whistling and shouting and praising for my win. I swung my sword to take off some of the blood and sheathed it with its scabbard.

By the way, my name is Aurella Prinston. Yeah, I’m a female but they don’t know it. Why you ask? It’s because I’m wearing a head gear and chest plate to hide my identity. I fight to death to live. That is how I’ve lived for almost 3 years escaping that prison life I called my home.


im sweating too much while making this.,,, 

i thank my cousin for correcting some of the error

redundant redandunt,, hey i cant help it.. im not a full writter

comment/vote <3 plss muwahh

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