Love at first sight

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A/N All of the Magcon boys are 16 in this other than Hayes he is 14.

Chapter one

Megan's pov:

"Megan, hurry up we need to get there early so we can be near the front" Ali shouted up the staires.

"Coming, one second" I yelled back as i ran down the stairs, grabbing my phone and keys and putting them in my black and white polka dot satchel. We both jump into my red soft top and i start driving off my street, when i ask Ali "are you exited to go to Magcon?"

"OMG! Yes i cant wait!"she screamed back

"me too!" I replied 

We are going to see the Magcon event in Cali seen as we live there. My mum brought me my ticket for my 16th birthday last month and got Ali one too, because Ali's like a daughter to her. We met in kinder garden and have been best friends ever since. She is a sister to me and i would die if i ever lost her.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Distance by Jack and Jack came on the radio. Me and Ali started singing and dancing like idiots. Everyone driving past us are giving us dirty look, but we don't care haters gonna hate! By the time the song was finished we had arrived, it didn't take long as i only live 10 minutes away from where the event is being held.

Once i parked my car i went to go and line up with Ali, she went and started to Que up as i park the car. We are really close to the front, because we are 2 hours early, i would say there are about 20 people in front of us.

2 hours later

We have been waiting here for two hours now and a lot more people have came. I'm so bored of waiting but as long as i get to see the boys i don't really mind. The main door opens and a security guard out to let everyone in and to check there passes before they enter the building. After a while  me and Ali got to the guard, we give him our passes and start running to the room as fast as we can pushing past everyone.

We get to the stage and get front row right near the middle. YAY! I'm so excited i cant wait for the show to start, so i can see my inspiration in real life instead of through my phone. The rest of the girls pile in shortly after me and Ali. After 10 minutes everyone has came in and the show is starting. Mahogany comes on stage and starts to introduce the boys on stage one by one, Jacob Whitesides was a special guest for all of the shows in Cali so he came on stage too.

Ali's POV:

The show has been going on for 30 minutes now and that has consisted of performances from Jack and Jack, Jacob Whitesides and Shawn Mendes. All the way through the performances Cameron has been staring non stop at one person in the crowd... and that person is Megan. He keep staring at her and whispering to Nash, every time he whispers to Nash Nash look over ; but tries to make it a little less obvious that he's looking than Cameron does. You can see the jealousy on all of the people faces in the audience. Megan was as red as a tomato, but no one could see because it was dark. All i could think about was what was Cameron whispering to Nash? and why was he staring at Megan?

Megan's POV:

I can't stop blushing because Cameron is staring at me. The one and only Cameron Dallas is staring, at me? But why? I'm no different to any of the other fans here, I'm not special.

After 2 hours the show finishes and it was time for VIP meet and greet, but me and Ali didn't have tickets. So we start walking out, when we get stopped by a body guard telling us to follow him.

"Why?" I ask him confused.

"Cameron and Nash told me to get you" He replied.

Why does Cameron and Nash want me and Ali? Did we do something wrong? I look at Ali and she looks as confused as me, but she looks a little excited.  The body guard see's that we both look confused. Then shows us a picture on a phone of Me...and says "Cameron gave me his phone and said find the girl on this picture and take her to VIP, even if she doesn't have a pass. So I'm as confused as you are" He said laughing towards the end.

We carry on following him until we arrive at the room then he gives us passes and then we get in line. All of the boys are stood in two's, so you meet two boys at a time. I am so excited these boys and Mahogany are my inspirations. They are the reason i smile everyday and i am truly grateful. First we met Hayes and Aaron, then Jack and Jack, then Shawn and Taylor, then Matt and Carter, lastly Nash and...Cameron.

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