Chapter 10 - Antonia Mendoza

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Paragraphs are screwed up be aware lol 


"One more hour."

"I feel like death." Kimberly groaned.

I smiled and glanced in the mirror to look at Bonnie sticking her head out of the window. "You alright, Bon?"

"Never better." She mumbled.

"Look," I pointed to the large border line of green in the distance. "We will literally be there in one more hour, see?"

"That's if the car's make it that long!" Jackson shouted from the other car. I glanced out the window at him driving extremely close to us and shrugged. We'd all swapped cars almost four hours ago after stretching our legs.

"They will," I yelled back. "This thing has just under half a gallon left. Wanna race-?"

"Way ahead of you, Princess!"

Before I could even tell him off for calling me that blaspheme name, he'd raced off. Kim had already buckled in, in the front seat and was holding onto the dash and so had Bonnie.

We ended up racing for forty five minutes oddly enough. We had to dodge in and out of boulders, ditches and whatnot. By the last ten minutes the tank started to blink red and I started to panic. Just a bit more...

"Lon..." Bonnie groaned. "I'm going to throw up, slow down."

"Uhh..." Kim's hand covered mine over the gear shift. "Come on... Seriously-"

"The tanks almost empty honey... We'll make it to the border line of the forest. But I want to win."

Just five more minutes...


"Wh- Oh!" I swerved left sharply causing the car to skid to an abrupt halt just at the tree line.

Jack's car went straight through.

"You won, right?"

I sighed as I started backing up and following the trail they created. "No."

Kim chuckled. "But-"

"We stopped a bit too early."

"I give you permission go kick his ass." She shrugged.

"Maybe later." I smirked as I finally saw the rear of their car. It'd only been another five minutes before the car started to slow and stop altogether.

Jackson stopped a bit further up and stepped out of the car. "Too bad Lon."

"Har, har." I said as I opened the trunk of the car to pull out the bags. Kim and Bonnie grabbed them from my hands and we all found ourselves pausing at what we saw left.

"Um, Jack, do you know whose car this was before you found them?" Kim asked not taking her eyes off the three black cases.

I opened one and almost laughed.

"No," He said. "Of course not, why?"

"Because it's filled with platinum." I shouted to him. "Knives and arrows."

Bonnie opened the other case. "And clothes."

The last case, Kimberly opened. "And backpacks."

I picked up a black blanket that lay on the bed of the truck and took one of the backpacks from the case.

"Are these the Cacodemon's cars?" Bonnie asked.

I started to shake my head. "They don't travel by cars. They don't need them."

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