Chapter 14 - Contact

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Yes, I was utterly confused.

No I didn't know what to do. 

Gabriel was staring directly at me and the shock was evident. Hell, I was shocked. This wasn't possible. I was dreaming wasn't I? Wait... 

Was I even asleep?

Not sleeping for so long and having to concentrate so hard to try and find Gabriel must have somehow... I don't know mixed? Merged?

Was sleeping the key to finding Gabriel all this time? And I was stupid enough to not do it.

Gabriel stood slowly still staring at me. 

I held my hands to my mouth to hold back a sob. He looked... Battered. Bruised. His loose t-shirt was ripped at the breast bone where a jagged line resided. A scar on his stubble jaw, a scar across his eyebrow. 

He looked older somehow. After my decision he should have stopped ageing because he was no longer bound to me. He looked bigger in the sense of his muscles. His blue eyes were completely blank. He didn't even look hopeful as he stared at me, just shocked.

He turned away from me and sat down on a long bench inside this... What is this? A cave? A cell? 

He suddenly laughed humourlessly. "Hallucinating again." He mumbled to himself.

He didn't think I was here. But I was. Why couldn't I bring myself to speak? 

He ran a hand through his mane of dark hair.

I forced the lump out of my throat and stepped forward. "Gabriel..."

His eyes closed and a light nostalgic smile lit his face for a brief moment. He still didn't believe I was here. I knew I couldn't touch him. I was only a projection after all.

I walked to where he was sitting but he still didn't look at me. I kneeled in front of him. "Look at me please."

The tears free fell as he finally looked me in the eye. Still no hope.

"I'm here." I croaked. "Please believe me."

"No, you're not." He sighed defeated. It surprised me how easily he dismissed the idea. "If you were here you'd help me."

All of those times I heard him say help me... He really was saying it.

"I am here and I'm going to help you. I've finally contacted you, Gabriel. I've been trying so hard to get through to you and now I have. Please look at me."

Finally he looked me in the eye. He searched them for what seemed like an eternity. And he must have seen something he liked because his entire posture swapped from defeated to tense. "It's not possible."

"It is. How else would I be here? How else would I be staring at you?" I lifted my hand tentatively and tried to touch his cheek. Although I was a projection, - what else could I be? - I felt his warmth. It was almost like touching a warm pillow, I couldn't feel skin but... I felt something. 

And he felt it too.

"My god." He whispered, his eyes glazing over. "Alexis? How are-"

I sniffed and wiped my eyes. "I don't know how long I have but I'm coming for you."

His eyes widened. "You-"

"I'm so close. Believe me I am."

"But you-"

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