PART TWO - Open wide please

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Dr: So today, I'will just quickly check your teeth to make sure everything is OK.

Harry was just stearing at the tray with all intimidating equipment, standing in the middle of the office.

Dr: Any problems with yout teeth? Anything bothering you?

-No respond-

Dr: Hey, Harry! You Ok?

H: Yeah, sorry... um, just yeah. I'm fine.

Dr: Well, don't need to say sorry at all. The chair is ready for you sweetie. The dentist said, had no idea why Harry is acting so wierd. Maybe he is just tired of something. He usually seems to be so fine when it comes to the dentist...

-Finally, Harry was lying on the chair, try to calm down himself so bad.

Dr: Alright buddy, so, have you experienced any tooth pain recently?

H: Umm no. Not really.

Dr: Not really? It sounds lik-

H: No, any pain. Really.

The dentist was almost sure he is lying. Is there something wrong what makes Harry so anxious?

Dr: Alright then, open wide for me please.

Harry hesitated for a while but than he slowly opened. He instinctively closed his eyes when the dentist brought up the mirror and the probe. Doctor made little chuckle as he noticed Harry do it every time during his check ups. Maybe, the dentist was always the nightmare to him, he just tried to hide it. Well, quite succesfully.

As the dentist touched one of Harry's tooth, he shout his eyes so hard and tensed up muscules.

Dr: Did that hurt Harry?

H: No, no, not at all. I'm sorry.

Dr: Well, let me check the rest of your teeth.

Harry opened his mouth again and than, He saw the reason of Harry's fear. His upper mollar on the right was cracked up. There was just sharp rest of that tooth. Dentist purposelly skip this tooth cause he knew that would be so painful if he would try to touch it. Other teeth looked so good, Harry obviously takes perfect care of them. No fillings, no cavities. The dentist realised that this will be his first filling ever, probably the first dental work he has ever done. In that moment, he absolutely undersood why Harry was so much nervous. Poor kid, really.

Dr: Well, Harry, you don't need to be nervous at all, I can fix your  tooth very easily. It won't even hurt 'cause I'll numb it. He quickly addend when he saw impression on Harry's face.

Harry Styles - Dentist appointmentWhere stories live. Discover now