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Hi lovely poeple!

Eehh... I don't really know how to start. Anyway, long story short: My teeth aren't as healthy and nice as they should be - I have some old amalgam fillings, my teeth are discoloured and no, they aren't straight.
I hate my teeth, trying to hide them as much as I can. And I decided to change it. Find a new dentist and let him remove all those black fillings - replace them with the new white ones, drill all of potential cavities I may or may not have (emuuh :( ), get my teeth whiter, straight them.... in sum - whatewer is necessary to be done to improve my smile.

I mean... would you be interested in my journey? As much as I feel shamed and embarassed of my teeth (and trust me – I feel really bad about them) I thought I could share with you some photos how my teeth look now... and then update after every appointment – write what the visit was about, what the dentist did etc. and also share before and after pics. At the end of this, I would like to have series of pictures showing all the procces.

I feel It may be helpful or interesting for some of you who have teeth problems as well... and also for me to kind of ... be able to look back.

But I have no idea If I'm right and If It's good idea so please let me know – should I do It? Feel free to share your opinion or request or whatever in the cement section or let me private message :) :) <3 

Thank you, hopefuly see your comments soon!


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