Chapter 3

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'Changes are a constant variable in this world; one can only hope it won't cause hurt too much.'

Sasuke had to go through extensive interrogation for a day before being discharge. He was quite surprised to know that Kakashi was now the current hokage after the previous one Tsunade stepped down the position a month after Jeraiya's death. He knew for a fact his former fangirls Sakura and Ino were in a relationship seeing their intimacy at the holding room. He knew there's a lot more change four years had done to everyone. Heck, he and Naru even changed in many ways than one. But he will stress about them later.

For the time being he'll be under 24/7Anbu surveillance, suspension from taking missions, prohibition from attaining high-class intel and an apparent restriction from leaving the village premise. As much as he detests it, he'll also have to undergo community service as an orphanage volunteer. It's not something he didn't expect, his killing of the village's most wanted ninja did help. Plus its way better than be behind bars and not be permitted to see his Naru at all.

Those restrictions will surely lift up a little in a couple of months. The ebony-haired ninja realized that he can't make other trust him again easily but he's determined to work for it especially pertaining to is beloved blonde. He wanted to come clean; he'll even ask forgiveness and introduce himself to him every day if he had to. True it's not his nature to wait but when it comes to the goofy knuckle-head he'll do anything in order to win him over again hell he will even court him if needed to. Sasuke knew there's an explanation as to why Naruto lost his memory of him but he'll surely find out one way or another.

Sasuke don't know if he'll be surprised or apprehensive for what changes happened during the four years he's away. Kakashi's apparently boyfriend Iruka retired from service. Kiba & the bastard Neji's cousin Hinata was already married so as Shikamarou & Gaara's older sister Temari who already had a month old son. Chouji, Rock Lee, & the creepy bug guy Shino were now either masters or teachers at the academy. The weapon's girl Tenten quit being a ninja and became a weapons dealer instead. Even his look alike Sai became the head of the Anbu and Konohamarou was now a full pledge chuunin.

At the time being he plans to buy flowers in Ino's family owned flowershop. Sasuke is definitely not a romantic person and God knows he doesn't have any bone of that kind still he'll try it out in order to woo Naru. 'The things love can make you do.' he thought shaking his head exasperatedly. Never in his life he saw himself doing such thing but Naru happened. Still he'll gladly fall in love with him any day.

As the dark-haired teen walks closer to the store he was surprised to see the said blonde come out with the other blonde, Ino herself. Sasuke quickly hid in the yonder street corner wondering as to why he did that.

"Thank you for bringing in those beautiful freshly picked flowers. Our customers will surely love them." he heard the female blonde said. . Sasuke frowned as were animatedly talking with each other, it seems that the female blonde forget about telling him about their closeness with the tanned guy.

"My pleasure, until tomorrow then." the two waved their goodbye and Naru went his way. The pale teen followed him secretly from a distance trying to find out where he's headed. His eyebrow knit in confusion as they were heading towards the Hyuuga clan's compound. His face glower even more as he saw the prodigy Hyuuga boy Neji welcome the tan teen with a hug. They interact rather intimately with Naru smiling sweetly at the other guy.

"How did your delivery go?" the long-haired Hyuuga boy asked. "It was great. I delivered them safely and Ino love the flowers I picked, I'm so happy." the younger teen replied smiling sweetly.

"That's great to hear. Why don't you come inside? Both Hinata and Hinabi were waiting for you to come." The older one holds his hand of which Naru squeeze lightly then he shook his head. "I'm sorry I can't. I still have errands to run that I can't miss. Tell them I'll surely visit them later as soon as I can."

"That's a shame; Hinata specially was looking forward in seeing you. She's been emotional lately." "Pregnancy hormones, it's typical especially in her six month pregnancy." "I know that's why the whole household is extra patient with her especially Kiba." "Well he's partially responsible for her condition." Both of them chuckled.

"Anyway do be careful I can see you're still shaken about what happened the other day." Neji said. "I'm fine there's no need to worry about me. Gosh! You totally sounded like Iruka. It's not that I minded but it's getting quite annoying." the blonde whined. "I know, I know. Still be careful, no one wants you hurt especially me."

Naru smiled and Sasuke noticed it his eyes somehow didn't have with the same spark it used to have before. Still it irked him to see the blonde smiling at someone else. But what happened next boiled his blood high. The long haired dude kissed the younger male's cheek. Blinded with rage Sasuke punch the older guy hard the guy fell hard on the ground. Naru shrieked and to Sasuke's horror rushed to the Hyuuga boy's side.

All the rage, tension and frustrations intensified seeing the blonde's reaction. Sasuke clenched his fist as the blonde fuss over the other guy. His heart hurt even more as he saw fear and confusion on his beloved eyes looking up to him. "You?... What is wrong with you?" Naru asked in confounded emotions.

""I don't know what the hell is going on and I'm still wrapping my head about how in the world you freaking forgot about me. Now this is what I see?" he asked back expressing all his frustrations. "I don't see its any of your business especially when I don't know you." the blonde replied with flushed face and heaving chest which gives wrong reaction straight to Sasuke's groin.

"You might not remember but I was your boyfriend of which that bastard knew about." The blonde was astounded but quickly recovered and stood up. "I you are, where were you all these time? Why aren't you there when I had my memory loss? Besides as you've said WAS, meaning you got no connection with me whatsoever." Naru said in one go, puffing air as he finished.

Sasuke frowned as he remembered how the adorable blonde teen used to talk back to him just like that. He can't talk back knowing full well all that said were all true and it's all because of his stupidity. He just stared straight to his azure blue eyes conveying his pain, frustration, love, and longing. The blonde's eyes softened, ears flushed red and eyes full of confusion before diverting them away from his stare. Clearing his throat naru said. "Besides he is my fiancée." he declared in a rather raspy voice.

The statement shook Sasuke to the core. Every nerve in his body seems to pop as possessiveness reigned in his system. "F-fiancé? He can't be your fiancé. No one else will be." 'You're always be mine and mine alone for eternity.' he then pulled Naru's upper arm harshly as their chest were touching. Onyx meets sky-blue, locking at each other in a silent conversation of their souls.

Sasuke smirked sensing the younger teen shiver in their proximity. It was an assurance that he still affected the blonde the same way as before. Hearing people coming in closer seems to have snapped the blonde pushing him away. "Go away! You have nothing to do with me."

"Your memory of me may be wiped away but I knew the feeling hasn't. I won't lose you to anyone without a hell'ot of fight." he declared with determination. At that moment he cared not if he's not in his casual cool collected demeanor. The way he felt, he can fight hundreds of men and win.

Fear radiates from the tan teen. It seems to have washed all the rage Sasuke felt. He was about to rush to his side to comfort him but was stop by two men who holds him by the arms. "Let me go." he struggled to let loose.

"Take him away. I don't want to see him near me." the distress blonde uttered keeping his distance from the ebony haired male. As much as he want Sasuke stopped struggling not wanting to distress his beloved any further. He silently submits himself to be taken away with an aching heart.


Sorry about the cussing. I personally don't cuss but the story needs it. I apologized for those who don't like it. I'll post as soon as I can. Ciao!

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