The One

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Down and down we go,
and we'll torch this place we know.
Before one of us takes a chance
and breaks this, I won't be the one.
No, I won't be the one.

The One by The Chainsmokers


"Luna doesn't care about our little charade, Harry. You know how she is." Ginny rolls her eyes heavenward. "The incorrigible bint had even suggested we make it so that it would seem like you're dating the both of us!"

Shrugging a clean shirt on, Harry nearly stumbles as he walks back towards the fireplace. Bemused, he shakes his head. Only Luna would come up with something like that.

"But Harry—" Ginny draws his attention back to their conversation. "Things can't go on like this..."

Harry sighs, running a hand through his damp hair. "I know, Gin." A rueful smile quirks at the corners of his lips. "It's not fair to either you or Luna."

"It's more than just that, Harry." Ginny shakes her head vehemently, sending green sparks flying about Harry's fireplace. "Luna and I are fine for now since we're really not ready to go public. We're not serious enough for that sort of thing yet." She looks up at him, nervous. "But you—" 

Harry kneels in front of the hearth and leans in; eyes intent on Ginny's face, swimming in a sea of green flames. "Don't worry about me, Gin." He shrugs. "We've always said we're not together. It's the papers who keep reporting otherwise. When you and Luna are ready to go public, please don't hesitate on my account." He smiles fondly at her. "You deserve to be happy."

Ginny stares at him and sighs, shaking her head. "That's not what I meant, Harry."


She bites her lip, giving Harry a small, sad smile. "You need to move on, love. You, more than anyone, deserve to be happy in this world you'd carved out for the rest of us."

Frowning slightly, Harry pulls back and sits on his haunches. "I have moved on." He says tersely, jaw clenched tight.

Ginny glares at him in exasperation. "For Godric's sake, Harry!" Her outburst sets off a flurry of fiery motes in the fireplace. "If I dose you with Veritaserum right now, do you honestly think you can still say that?!"

Harry's countenance closes itself off; vivid green eyes dimming. He averts his face as he smoothly rises to his feet, signaling the end of the Floo-call.

Dismayed, Ginny softly calls out. "Harry—" Getting no answer, she forges on. "Please... I'm sorry. I don't mean to nag. I know Hermione is more than enough for that sort of thing. I just—" She pauses, willing Harry to turn towards her. "I worry about you—"

Harry sighs, shoulders slumping minutely. He glances at Ginny and offers her a strained smile. "I'm fine, Gin." He lifts his hand to close the Floo. "Talk to you soon."

Nodding reluctantly, Ginny bids him goodbye. Harry severs the connection, releasing the breath he'd unknowingly been holding. 

He is trying to move on, but just when he thinks he's doing alright, the object of his heartache waltzes right back into his life and turns it upside down once more. He sighs, casting a quick Tempus, and soundly swears to his empty bedroom. He's running late. Again. He'd be lucky if the Team Manager doesn't hex him as soon as he walks into the bloody door.

Physical Exam. Harry makes a face. He just hopes its not another overly amorous Healer. He's been surreptitiously groped more times than he cares to count at these things. 

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