Kills You Slowly

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But we dress up and play pretend,
then we act like we're good again.
I do things I can't defend.
And even when you hold it in...

Hold it, even though it kills you slowly.
Explosions, hidden when we're in the open.
Keep on smiling until it's over.
Hold it, even though it kills you slowly.

Kills You Slowly (The Chainsmokers)

***AN: This chapter is a bit long. I had thought about splitting it, but the flow would be ruined if I did. So here it is. We're finally approaching the end, guys! Once again, I truly appreciate your incredible patience and support. Much love to all! ❤️


"W-what the—?" Harry mutters in shock, eyes growing impossibly wide behind his smudged lenses.

Silence quickly descends upon the whole room; each occupant sporting rather colorful expressions.

Hermione mutely stares at Harry; her expression alternating between bewilderment, chagrin, and relief.

Draco, on the other hand, is a sight to behold. Gaping like a fish, his complexion rapidly fluctuates, going from tomato red to deathly white, before finally settling on a sickly green hue. Sorely lacking his usual elegance, Draco looks ready to vomit all over Hermione's ghastly orange rug. However, when his eyes meet Harry's suspicious stare, Draco still manages to lift his chin defiantly, appearing as arrogant as ever, despite looking like a walking corpse.

Witnessing the exchange between the two men, Ginny snorts loudly, rolling her eyes in exasperation.

Meanwhile, Luna simply smiles in happy welcome, as though she's been expecting Harry to show up all along. She saunters over and plants a dainty kiss onto his cheek; her cheery greeting at complete odds with the awkward silence in the room, "Hello, Harry!"

"Er... hi, Luna—" stutters Harry, running a restless hand through his hair.

Everyone is so preoccupied with Harry's sudden and unexpected arrival that they didn't notice a certain ginger bloke ambling down the stairs. Its not until the man cries out in alarm that everyone is jolted out of their stupor, "What the bloody hell is going on?"

All heads snap towards the staircase, where they find Ronald Weasley goggling at them, face awash with incredulity.

"Either I'm having a nightmare or I've gone completely mental because why in Merlin's name am I seeing Malfoy in my house?" Ron flaps his hand uselessly in Draco's direction.

Hermione quickly snaps out of her stupor, "Ron!" Thinking quickly, she pastes an overly bright smile on her face and motions wildly at Harry, "Look who's back!"

Harry waves stiffly; a wry smile on his lips, "hey, mate..."

Bemused, Ron nods slowly; his eyes jumping from one person to the next. He then frowns in contemplation, gaze lingering on the pale-faced Draco. He purses his lips, looking like he's about to say something utterly brainless, but Hermione doesn't give him a chance. She swiftly charges over and forcefully shoves him up the staircase.

"Bloody hell, 'Mione—!" Ron yelps, catching himself on the bannister when he stumbles.

"Not now, Ronald! I'll explain later!" Hermione hisses, before whirling around to impale Harry and Draco with her infamous death glare. "And you two!"

Both men visibly flinch. Thoroughly tickled, Ginny covers the enormous grin on her face; her shoulders shaking with mirth.

"Talk. To. Each. Other," Eyes flashing, Hermione enunciates each word threateningly. "Don't make me force-feed you both Veritaserum and lock you up in my cramped bathroom!"

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