Chapter 19

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Harry POV

The next morning I woke up in Draco's arms, warm and safe. It was still early and I could tell today would be a long day with all that happened yesterday. I didn't want to get up though it just wasn't fare.

Slowly I removed the arms around me and made my way to the bathroom. Once inside I left the door open not wanting to worry Draco and looked towards the mirror.

 What I saw shocked me, there was what looked to be a large bite mark on my neck. Strange. I would have to ask Draco when he awoke up. I made my way towards the shower turning it on. I grabbed a bottle of shampoo and started to wash my hair.

About halfway through I felt a pair of hands on my head massaging my scalp and leaned back knowing it was Draco.

 When he was done and my hair was rinsed I did the same for him. "Good Morning Harry did you sleep ok?"

 "I nodded my head "You aren't sore from last night are you?" and I blushed shaking my head "I'm fine."

When all was done we both stepped out and grabbed big white fluffy towels. "Draco what did you do to my neck?"

I looked to him wondering what he would say. Draco smiled "That is my mating bite do you like it?" I thought for a minute not sure what to say.

"I guess, but why did you have to bite me?" Draco came over to me touching it lightly. I shivered it was very sensitive.

"It is my claim to you and you to me. It shows that we have officially mated." I smiled at that "Than I love it." I said grabbing my clothes and leaning in for a quick kiss.

Later after breakfast Draco and I made our way to the ministry. We were finally going to settle this.

When we arrived I noticed the Weasleys and Hermione waiting to be let into the courtroom. When they spotted us the looks were varied.

 Ron looked angry while Hermione looked shocked. When I looked towards Ginny I could see jealousy in her eyes, but I couldn't care less at this point. "What are you doing with Malfoy Harry?"

She asked, but I ignored her. "What about the baby Harry you can't just abandon us" I stopped and glared at the girl.

"That child isn't mine, you are nothing but a whore who wants attention from everyone. And you know what Ginny I feel bad for it, because it has to have a mother like you."

Ginny gasped and took out her wand, but it was quickly taken by an auror. She screamed in anger "You will pay freak" she yelled and I tried to ignore her, but it was hard. 'Freak' It brought back painful memories.

 What I did next shocked me and everyone around. I backhanded Ginny hard. "Don't you dare call me that again I said before dragging Draco into the room. Dumbledore was sitting in the center chair.

 I would soon be there as well being placed under the truth potion along with many others. Dumbledore glared at us. "What is Mr. Malfoy doing here? He has no reason to be here."

"Actually Albus he has every right. Draco is Harry's mate. Meaning that Ginny could not be pregnant with harry's child. It would hurt him severely " It was Narcissa. I looked up to her and she gave me a soft smile as if to say everything was going to be ok. And she was right there was no way anything against Ginny or Hermione was true. Dumbledore paled "I was not aware of this."

"Yes and for good reason." Draco growled. "ORDER, everyone have a seat so we can get started" Amelia Bonds said from the front of the room.

I took a seat next to Draco watching to see what would happen. "Now we are here today because of recent events.

"Mr. Harry Potter has laid claim that you Albus Dumbledore are responsible for a abuse on many accounts and of many ways. We will be administering the truth potion Veritaserum."

Once the potion was administered Dumbledore was asked many questions many and most involving him. "Did you place Mr. Harry potter in a house where you knew he would be abused?"

 "Yes, I did. If he was being abused it would be easy for me to have a hold n him. Saving him and bringing him here would make him trust me more"

"Did you plot against Mr. Potter and try to falsely accuse him?"

"Yes, I did. along Hermione, Ron, Ginny and many others we plotted to get him sent to Azkaban."

"Did you-" and it went on for a long time. I was then called up to tell everything I knew and more. I told them everything I knew about Dumbledore and what Tom had told me.

I wanted him to get the worst punishment. There were many who seemed not to want to believe what I was saying, but they couldn't argue against it. Soon after I had gone Hermione was called up to the have her turn.

"Is it true you helped spread rumors and lies to put harry in Azkaban even though you knew he was innocent?"

 "Yes, ever since we started at Hogwarts I have been working with Dumbledore on all his scheming and this was just another plan I had to work out."

Like Dumbledore she was asked countless questions and like Dumbledore was found guilty of all crimes against her. Ron, Ginny, Molly and Arthur were all sentenced to five years in Azkaban while Dumbledore was sentenced the Dementor's kiss.

But what about Tom he was innocent in all this. He was framed for everything and I wanted him to have another chance. Before our plan had gone under way I had asked Tom about what he thought about it.

He had told me it was to early and that no one would want him back, he would still be thought of as evil. But I couldn't give up on him. I had also spoken with Amelia.

 She had told me to wait and that with time we could possibly to a trial, but everything had to settle down first. So i would wait. The trial lasted for three days Ginny was to wait until the baby was born before leaving and her child would be adopted by a loving family.

Ginny would be granted to rights to the child when released and would not be able to see the child either. Ron and Hermione would always be known as felons and would not have as many rights as everyone else.

Right after the trial I had an interview with the daily profit explaining everything. Draco even made sure they didn't change anything before it was sent out.

Currently now I am spending time with Blaise and Pansy before they have to head back to school. I will continue to be tutored for now.

 I don't really want to go back. Draco will be with me this time however, I never want to be separated from him again.

"So you two have officially mated" Pansy stated a smirk on her face. "Did you use the gifts I gave you for Christmas?" I blushed at the question.

"No Pansy we didn't" I could feel Draco giving me a curious look.

 Making me blush even harder. Everyone laughed and I soaked up the moment not wanting to forget it. 

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