thei soggy bagel?

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nowthis isa stor all bouthow

a croissant we h8ed got put down

he tried 2 b a bagel he was a jerk

n h made da other bagels go bezerk

metacroissant was a croissant.  croissants n bahels got along but that is bc they donot associated.

metacroissant tho thought he wasbeter than all the bagels n wNted 2 rule them. he trie to become bagel but teh toaster mage hm crunble!the buter make him sogy n h did not use de right kinda ecram hcese.

he was walkin down teh strt 1 day and dean bagl try t reasonw/ him but he just like "lel no" and bloo den away but he is al right nou

that make tehother bagers vvvvry anger and the realise they ned 2 kill metCroissant but how?

they sat thinkkn bout it 4 a while and balthazar bagel said "i no? i can call down pep pep (pep pep is god) " he was hap y he thot of sumthin.

so they bagels caled down thr bagel lord.

"lol whT" he sed "u need to kill betacrroissant" said charlie bagelbury "okie dokie" replyed god.

so they stalkd metacroissant 4 a while n when dey found out wher he was they went to his toaster n waited for hm.

whn he 1st walked in he was laugh then he sees fod n screm like a liktle girl.

"why tf were u laugh we r better than u" said garth bagel in an angry ton "no u r nkt" said metarossant

"garthbagel is rite u r totaly not a swagmaster like we are n we all hate u." said charlie

"i am fab" said garth.

metacroissant shook his head n look @god "y r u here" he asked

"bc i h8 ur face more den donuts (an that's a lot)" he said.

just s metzcroissant was bout to answer,  the door burted oped and crowley scrobagel twerked in. "u r bammkn slammin boktylicious crow, ey" said bobby bagek from the corner.

crowleu twerkd around th room and when he past metacroissant he sad "ur a soggy bagel" he put air quots arounf the word Bgel.

when he reached his bagel peers he sed "jk u r not bage" metacroissant looked hirt as croley high five the bagel. he look at gadreel bagel

"u 2 gadreel! I thought we wer pals" he sulked

"no u r basic n u don't got the booty" gadreel sassed.

balthezr looked at god n said "pep pep may I ples sac him b4 you kill him" "yes" sead god.

so bathazar sacked metCroissant n god kiled him then crowly pulled out his mp2 playe and put on the booty song n they had a bagel party.


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