The One Night That Changed Everything

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2:30, 2:31, 2:32. I crawl out from the warmth of my bed and make my way down the stairs to the front door. I slowly pull the door open, hoping for it not to squeak or make any noise that will wake my parents up. It doesn't. I walk down the pathway towards the street, a sense of ease fills me. The pressure I felt in my stomach earlier completely disappears as the cool night air blows through my hair. I walk down the quiet streets. Seeing all the houses that held sleeping families. Sleeping peacefully because of a secret that could destroy their family. I make my way to the little park on my street and when I arrive, I take a seat on a swing. I swing myself back and forth, lost in my thoughts until I realize that I am not here alone. A figure hidden by a black hoodie slowly makes its way to the swing next to mine. I glance over at the stranger, he is looking straight but he asks, "Couldn't sleep either?"

"Yeah," I softly replied. The figure pulls the hood from his face and looks over at me. The moonlight frames his face to show off his sharp jaw and cheekbones. "What's your name? I haven't seen you around." I softly ask.

"I'm Brandon, I just moved here."

"Welcome to this small town then," I say with a soft smile.

"And yours is?" he questions.

"Oh sorry, I'm Amanda," I say with a quiet giggle.

"How long have you lived here?" He asks, his eyes never leaving mine.

"All my life," I say softly, looking around at the small playground that I used to believe was my palace.

"Perfect," he said and stands up. I look at him and he must have realized that I was confused so he continues, "You can show me around this small town." he reaches his hand out to pull me off the swing. I look at him for a few seconds not really knowing what to do. But I end up taking his hand and we slowly walk out of the park.

"What do you want to see?" I question.

"Your favorite place to get away." He says quietly as if embarrassed. I nod in response and slowly walk towards the center of town. We walk in silence. I walk up to the clear building with Brandon following me.

"Your favorite place is a greenhouse?" He asks and I nod and take in the earthy smell of the plants that surround me.

"I usually sit and read a book here, it helps me escape reality and I've needed an escape a lot recently," I said quietly looking at the ground. He looks at me and places his soft hand, gently on my cheek. I didn't realize how close we were until I look up into his eyes to see his face right in front of mine.

"Maybe I could help be your escape."

The One Night That Changed Everything #MidnightSunMovieWhere stories live. Discover now