Author's Note: Finished!

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Another story complete.

And this is my first completed crossover as well! Just a little tidbit of information there.

Anyways, I am ever so pleased with how this story ended up turning out! I wasn't trying to project to a wide range of readers, but I still got a decent amount of reads and votes and even comments. With how much work I put into making this a thing, I can't say I mind any of that. 

Overall, there is some really great writing in here. Yeah, it's not perfect. I could think of twenty things just off the top of my head that could be changed to make it oh-so-much better. But at the end of the day, I think I'm just going to let this story be for a while. I don't forsee any major editing in the near or distant future.

In other news, there will not be an official sequel to this least, not really. What I have done is gotten myself a tumblr blog where I'm writing as Molly - so you get to continue part of this storyline onwards. Where this story was like Hannibal being placed into Sherlock S3, the blog is like Sherlock being placed into Hannibal S2. All from Molly's point of view.

Basically, if you like Molly Hooper or Willolly (or hopefully both) you should go there.

It's called and the password is devilish. You can reach it from the external link as well!

Thank you all so much!

- Rain

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