The sound of a car, The voice of a loved one shouting from a far.. Why can't I remember anything, " Do you remember me SeYi?" a warm and deep voice from a man asked me,
" Who are you?"
| A Taehyung Fanfic | { Please don't expect that mu...
**TINGGG** I heard the sound of my phone early in the morning while I was brushing my teeth getting ready for school, I opened my phone and my eyes widened to the person who messaged me.
" AWMYGAWD IS THIS REAL??" ** I pinched myself to check if I was still asleep**
" M-Min Y-yoongi MESSAGED ME??!?!? AHHHHHHH!!!" I didn't mind screaming in my house since my parent's are working abroad and I'm all alone anyways and its impossible my neighbors could hear me.
I get ready to go to my school it was called Hankuk University! I studied there since my freshman years and probably you don't know min yoongi well I'll tell you how this girl ( ME ) had a crush at Min yoongi
I was a new student at Hankuk University! it was first day of class and I got lost inside the university " Well I guess this is it SeYi first day of school and you're screwing up already. get our shit straight" while looking for the classroom I was assigned to.. I heard this melody coming from one room.
the melody was from A piano I knew it to myself and the song the person was playing is.. ogawd! its save me! and I looked at the guy who was gracefully playing the piano and then he suddenly stopped.
" what are you doing here" the guys playing the piano has a cold voice damn.
" I-i got lost so I didn;t know where to go and um.. I heard the piece you were playing in the piano it was nice!"
"Oh.. thanks." he looked at me emotionless and he just passed by me
" YAH! I um.. may I know your name?" I was shaking and all
" I'm min yoongi, just call me yoongi " he then smiled and I got shocked because I thought he was cold and all but he wasn't..
" I would be glad to meet you more often" he said before he leaved me into space daydreaming
I entered the school facility with a warm smile, "well! here goes nothing SeYi, your crush finally noticed you don't F (lower ) things up, I walked inside the classroom I was in and there they was BTS a group of Hawties and which inludes min yoongi in their group!
" HEYYAAAH LIL' SIS!" the ball of sunshine greeted me!
" anyeong hopiee!!" I answered back to him.. Jhope was the only guy from BTS I could talk too, he wasn't like the others who were to busy doing their cool stuff
"Hopiee! do you mind giving this to.. well.. um Y-yoongi"
I covered Jhope's mouth before the others could heaar but to late Yoongi did hear him aishh hopiee im so screwed up!
" YAH YOONGI THIS GIRL WANTS TO GIVE THIS TO YOU!" I swear I froze to death hiding behind jhopes back!
" WOW hyung! chocolates and a Jacket??" said the youngest boy name kookie, Jungkookie.
"Umm thanks?" I heard him say that and I was all relieved when suddenly
"Do you remember this girl yoongi-ah?" jhope holded my wrist showing my face into the rest of BTS members
" I.. uh. don't remember, who are you again?" wow.. he doesn;t remember me at all.
" B-but you messages me awhile ago how did you forge-" before i finished my sentence the quiet one but also one of the hottest guy left
" what's with taehyung??" The shortie one asked
" WAIT!! WHY IS IT ME??" I confusedly asked
" wait, you said that I messaged you but.. I didn't open My account earlier"
" well that's suspicious" hopie told yoongi
"ow.. so it wasn't yoongi who messaged me, anyways bye guys!"
" bye SeYi" the group of boys said in unison
wait so if it isn't yoongi?? maybe someone used his phone?? maybe it was one of the members?? hmmm I feel sad tho I was expecting it was yoongi but.. Guess its just one of his friend could be Jin I guess?
Author P.O.V
SeYi couldn't stop thinking about who it was, she couldn't sleep, she didn't want to waste her other stupid time in studying she knew she had to investigate,.. who the unknown was and why did he use Yoongi's account or why did that person wanted to message her.. she slowly fell asleep finally, excited to start the investigation tomorrow she went off to her dreamland
I know this chapter is short **sings Eyes,nose,lips by taeyang**
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