13.) Park Jimin.

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"As it rained the two paths met once again, and the distance between them gets closer and closer and the lost attachment they once had was regained by the rain that connected the two lost souls."

Taehyung's P.O.V

it was raining, recently I didn't know what to feel anymore and so I attended this dumb party just for me to try and figure out myself, and a girl abruptly clings on me, I fake my emotions while talking to her, I seriously have no intentions to do this but I know it was the only way..

I had sex with her.

I was confused, I could not stop thinking of SeYi.. I knew what I am feeling for her just drives me mad and crazy but it seems like I can't stop myself through this immature problem, I know I like SeYi and I do love her but I am blinded by fear which tells me it is impossible of her  having feelings for me and maybe after this and somewhat she hears about me having sex with a slut maybe makes her hate me and maybe drift away from me.. and that's how slowly things will hurt, painfully, crucially and brutally.

The door suddenly opens to a messed up and crying SeYi covering her mouth while she shows no emotion through her eyes while tears streams on her white dewy face, 'I am sorry SeYi' I thought to myself, I was a jerk, I didn't even have much strength to ask her if she felt the same thing towards me before I fuck some slut.

and I.. lastly, had no Idea what mess have I confronted and made myself into and how do I fix it, maybe it was un-fixable.

SeYi's P.O.V

I no longer see the Taehyung I once saw with my two eyes,  the childish Taehyung who would eventually tease the shit out of me, the Taehyung who would flirt with me with maybe no mature intentions, the Taehyung who would comfort me with the use of the warmth of his eyes, instead I see every opposite thing I once thought he was.

he was now the Taehyung who would eventually fuck the shit out of my feelings, he was now the Taehyung who would flirt with whoever girl he meets and have a one night stand with them just for him to be happy, he was now the Taehyung who would make me feel like shit all the time and break my weak heart for no reason, he was someone I knew yesterday whom I thought I still knew today. (Damn I just made some sentence with actually painful sense in it)

as I stopped running I bumped into something, more like someone.

"SeYi?" a soft voice asks me

"Mind where you look miste- Jimin?" I was welcomed by attaching eyes of jimin which showed innocents, he then hugged me maybe because he noticed my puffy and red face since I was crying.

Jimin, he was well known for being the fuckboy in school isn't it? he was known from fucking girls from any school or any place, he was that jimin who would reject a girl with a pretty face, but now he was a jimin with no intentions.

he had a full plumped lips, an eye that would radiate his heat from his body to yours, a smile that had reflected the sun, a body with his toned abs which I once saw during gym classes  and his face which was aesthetically pleasing.

"What happened? whatever is happening you can tell me you know?" he smiles

we sat on a park not that far from the mansion as I shivered from the cold wind that touched my skin, Jimin notices and gave me his cardigan for me to wear, I insisted at first but then he made me say yes just a second after.

"So tell me about it." he asks

"First of all I hope you're not doing this because you wanna hit up on me" I sniffled

"and I know the fact that you're one of the playboys in the university so don't you dare fuck with me right now I swear cause I am not in the mood."

he raises both of his arms up with his face giving me that ' I surrender' face.

"Please don't tell Taehyung but.. It's been awhile since I- I- I noticed I do have feelings for him and I just saw him awhil-" I was stopped since the tears starts forming in my eyes again and sobs building up through my lungs and released through my lips.

"You saw him what?" jimin asks me worriedly while rubbing circles around my back to comfort me.

"He h-had s-sex with someone, a-and I-It" I coughed "I-It fucks the shit out of me." I couldn't stop myself from the emotions I am feeling as I had already emotionally break down in front of jimin.

"Whatever his reasons are I am sure there are reasons behind those reasons as well."
he smiled at me while wiping the tears of my face.

"T-thanks jimin." I smiled back

he decided to drive me back home since it was dark already, without me noticing my body had just given up and slept while jimin drives me back home, I trusted him, Jimin, I knew nothing would happen when I am with him though I know he is in deed a fuckboy.

Jimin's P.O.V

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and checked on SeYi if she was still sleeping and well she is, I shaked her and made some loud sounds but she was sure deep asleep, and there I proceeded to talk to Taehyung who was secretly on the phone the whole time I was talking to SeYi.

"Bro, I should say, you really fucked things out." I bluntly mocked him

"I-I know jimin! H-how do I fix this?" Taehyung sighs on the phone clearly enough for me to hear while I also hear him sob.

"Just give her some space for now." I looked back at SeYi "whats she needs right now Taehyung is healing, time and herself, take care of yourself and she'll be fine finding her thought  as well."

"Thanks Jimin for driving her home, I hope you arrive in her house safely, bye"

and just like that he ended the call, I sighed.

"SeYi.. I feel bad for you, if you would've given me a chance to prove myself to you but you wouldn't because all you think about me is that I'm a GIANT FUCKBOY, I know I can be someone better for you SeYi and this is an opportunity." I whispered through myself.

"I'll do anything.. even if it means prioritizing you more and ending my friendship with Taehyung."

"And yes I am inlove with her, SeYi."

- song by Lovewave "The night" and yes it was the ending song of the book "Translation of love"  by Sooaura you need to read it btw!! it made me cry so bad 😩 and I get my inspiration from it.

| Oh my god, please don't hate me after this lol, you must hate Taehyung right now but please undesrtand the fact that he was also confused and he was mostly scared but now he know that SeYi likes him he messed things up...

and now jimin, ya'll know what's about to happen A CIVIL WAR LMAO HAHAHAHAHAHAH ❤️❤️

thank you for reading this chapter fam! please vote also, if there were any mistakes I'll make sure that it would lessen by time!! saranghaeeee thank you for the reads!! it means alot 😭👏🏼👏🏼✨✨

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