2.) ITS YOU???

17 1 4

SeYi P.O.V

**RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING** The school bell rang Before it strikes 7:30 A

and good thing I arrived earlier than I've expected I remembered today at break time I'll be going with my friend Jennie I told everything about her when the class wasn't starting yet and she told me she would help me investigating who is the "UNKNOWN"

"Seyi!"  The student on my back called me as I loss my focus while my class advisory was mentioning something

"SeYi! congrats for being top 1 in class! keep it up" said my class advisor who may look serious but sure is proud of me, I couldn't say anything so I just nodded, I can't help but focus on who the Unknown was I somewhat feel he is just someone here in school

" YAH! Jennie!" I shouted at her after one of our class.

" waeyo eonnie?" she asked me curiously

"Can you please help me find out who this unknown is?"  I showed her the conversations in my phone

" OMFG isn't that yoongi?, but its isn't him its someone else? using his account?" she asked me

" well yeah.. I actually hoped it was yoongi but it just isn't him." I sadly answered her


"AJA!! WE'LL SOON FIND WHO'S THAT UNKNOWN!" jennie shocked me with her uplifting fightinf spirit


Unknown's P.O.V

"She looks dumb. what the hell is she doing with jennie? don't tell me she's trying to find out who I am." I grabbed my phone and opened Yoongi's unused Account I hesitantly message SeYi

" Hey what are you doing?? are you trying to look for me??" I messaged her scared that I might be caught. 

she replied. " OMO. you see me??" I looked at her and she was looking around like a lost kid. she's cute.

" Ahjussi! when can I meet you??" she questioned me while I saw her typing on her phone

"One day You'll know who I am so don't you worry babygirl" I replied back to her and I saw her shocked reaction which made me giggle in my inside that I couldn't show outside because other people might find out who I am..

 my final clue is 




I sended the only clue I plan to tell her

  SeYi P.O.V

"JENNIE!" I shouted to her I almost choked in my own saliva


" unknown messaged me a-and he said we'll meet soon isn't that great, and he sended me this what seems to be a code!" I showed her with my shaky hands holding the phone

" What the?? isn't that like some of the things hackers use to communicate?!! OMG don't tell me he's a hacker"

"I also don't know jennie! but One thing I'm sure about is he's somewhere near he can see me but I can't see him."

" woow isn't this MAGIC?? HAHAHAH THIS MIGHT BE YOUR TRUE LOVE EONNIE!!" she yelled at my ears causing me to flinch

" YAH!! you didn't have to shout in my ears jennie but.. You have a point maybe  it isn't yoongi .. but someone who likes me from before!! AISH THIS IS EXCITING" I said nonchalantly 

" Anyways let's continue investigating! jennie!!"

Me and jennie continued our  investigation about the unknown, it seems so had to find him but little did we know he was just nearby.


"JUNGKOOK-AH!!!" a voice of a worldwide handsome echoed through my ear 

"Give some to your eldest hyung!!!"  seokjin demanded asking for chips to the little maknae

" A-NI-YO. ANIYO. 조금이라도 ( Not even a little bit )"  jungkookie maknae answered his hyung

"YAH! CAN YOU BOTH PLEASE BE QUIET" suga asked them both impolitely which made them shut their mouths 

" That's better." suga added.

" Taehyung-ssi!! What're you doing??" Jimin asked the silent hyung who seemed to think about stuffs, he always looks far away, also he wasn't like this before he used to be a funny little alien but now he's just, Quiet.

" Nothing." he answered  looking back at his phone playing some android games 

" oh.. umh.. would you come with us later at the mall after school hoseok was inviting us!"

" No thanks Jimin-ssi" He answered emotionless 

".. OW YAH! HOSEOK HYUNG WOULD INVITE SeYi as well!" jimin shouted in excitement

taehyung raised his left eyebrow " hmm, Okay then I'll come." 

" YYA HYONG DZO HYU LEYK SHEYIE?" The eldest hyung who stuffed rice on his mouth questioned taehyung 

" What're you saying? she isn't even my type. in fact I like.."







{ Author nimm is back! mianhe readers if I took to long to update this week for me in school was just to hectic Imma bout' to die huhuhuhuh pray for my soul peeps SARANGHAEEE!!. }

| P.S sorry for the cliffhanger again hihihih ^^

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