The sound of a car, The voice of a loved one shouting from a far.. Why can't I remember anything, " Do you remember me SeYi?" a warm and deep voice from a man asked me,
" Who are you?"
| A Taehyung Fanfic | { Please don't expect that mu...
it was a very confidential day today I guess? I had no worries with the deal that I made with Park Jimin and it starts today, Day 01 before final decision, and it wasn't that bad at all in fact he decided to text me.
"Goodmorning baby ;)"
"Goodmorning Jimin c:"
"I'll be picking you up for school, and I'll be waiting outside your house expecting a morning kiss."
"What? you gave me a chance to prove myself :<"
"Okay.. I'll be getting ready, bye Paboya!"
"Excuse me? do you want a special punishment?"
"No thanks :)"
"Bye baby girl I love you."
I wasn't ready to tell jimin I loved him, I'm still dumbfounded, I need to fix and find myself first before causing more trouble only to make myself into an excruciating pain not only to be felt in my mind but also in my heart.
I went in to my bathroom to take a nice warm shower, it helped forget every single problem I had my entire life.. but I can't seem to forget my problem with Taehyung, how the pain felt, how it felt like every single daggers and other weapons sliced through my heart when I saw him that night.
I shaked my head into what I was thinking after hearing multiple honks outside my house, Shit I forgot about him and that's not a very good thing, I should be forgetting about Taehyung and focus more one Jimin, come on Jin Se Yi get your ass crack together.
I went in for my closet to find clothes to wear today, I needed to look good, better than good. I went in for a black skirt with it having a little slit on the side exposing my left legs mid thigh and for my top I decided to wear a long sleeved black and floral button up plus a choker.
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I tied my long black hair into a high messy bun and pulled out my little baby hair in my forehead to make myself look a little cute, I added light makeup putting on some light foundation and a little lip and cheek tint I also managed to do my eyebrows which was awesome before going late into school.
I grabbed my black stiletto heels, "Wow I'm actually wearing heels." I thought to myself, exiting the house I find a very hot Jimin wearing a denim jacket, a white tee, black ripped jeans, and black combat boots.
"You look like a whole extravagant meal SeYi." he smiled winking into me while fanning himself using his black cap.
"Y-you l-look so--" I stopped talking when he leaned closer for a morning kiss.
"You had forgotten my morning kiss because of my hotness?" he laughs brushing his black wet hair backwards showing his clear forehead, that's it SeYi your making a good choice choosing with him after all.
Without my dumb self knowing my body moved closer to him wrapping my left hand into his shoulders while my other right hand brushed his hair and finally with my face staring at him deeply.
"You look hot today." I finished my sentence giving him a peck in his cheek, As I enter his car I see him blushing red and with a shocked smile in his face, after that he goes inside the car driving us into school while his other hands are on the steering wheel and his other on my thigh caressing it, I couldn't help but smile.
Entering the school gate I couldn't help but feel the adrenaline rushing through my body, I felt nervous, excited, scared, and anxious.
"SeYi? SeYi? Hey?" Jimin waved his hands on my face as I stared down on my lap blankly.
"I-I'm" I took a breathe "Sorry." he then shushed me
"shh, hey! don't worry, you're pretty, you're everything a boy would like and I promise if someone harms you I'll be there to save you, And I'll never leave your side SeYi" he looked at me seriously but then he suddenly smiled his eyes disappearing within his puffy cheeks.
I went in for a hug as he hugged me back, I'm fine, I need to be strong, I can do this.
"N>\%€£ O Y>]€€*0 cAnhyt Se6^" an Unknown voice pops in my head as a shake it through
"Come on now jiminie." I grabbed his hands as we entered the school gate with me still anxious of how I look and how I feel.
there were so much reactions given to me, some boys were starring at me with a gawked face while jimin protected me with his towering height and his body hugging me as a shield, I laughed the anxiety off, some people cat-called me, some gossiped, some rolled eyes on me? and finally.. we entered the room.
Kim Taehyung.
and a random girl?
grinding her hips on his lap.
making out.
while Taehyung caressed his hands on her back.
"and looking at me greed-fully with his brown dark eyes."
| Hey fammm sorry for this very short chapter I guess? but you might be wondering why Taehyung was still f****** girls even if he was hurt and felt sorry for SeYi, you'll know his side on the next chapter ;))) I'll double update today! please vote my friend 😭😂❤️🙏🏼🤘🏻🤘🏻