t w e n t i e t h

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"may i have this dance?" yoongi smirked as he held out his hand in front of you. you decided to ride his joke and sweetly answered, "well, if it isn't mr. min." you smiled and reached for his hand. 

he led you off to the dance floor and unhesitatingly put his hands on your waist before pulling you closer. the act left you shocked but you circled your hands around his neck and danced to the song. 

the song just ended and iu's through the night played. it was one of your favorite songs that you would definitely sing to it but then, you were dancing with yoongi and the lyrics were just so... awkward.

"you loved this song, didn't you?" he whispered and you looked straight to his chest, trying to hide the red tint creeping up on your cheeks. you were blushing because he remembered. of course, little things had always been the perfect things for you.

"i do, till now actually." you said. 

"why don't you sing to it?" he asked and suddenly, you felt sick.

"w-what? no way," you laughed nervously. 

"why not?" he asked. your fake smile disappeared and it turned to a frown.

"y-yoongi, you know that i shouldn't." your voice getting louder. 

his smirk turning to a frown, "i'm sorr--" 

"no," you said and continued, "i'm sorry, yoongi but i think i'll be going home on my own. thanks for picking me up and helping me with min ho by the way." you said before turning on your heels, leaving him at the dance floor. 

you quickly picked up your bag from the table and went out of the hall. thankfully, you were able to find a taxi and went home safely. 

you sighed deeply and looked back at the reflection of yourself in the mirror. 

"way to go.." you whispered. "you just ruined the night you finally wished to have." you said to yourself. "but then, i wasn't wrong.. was i?"


hesha: you guys can check out the lyrics of iu's through the night in the internet so you can get the point of this chapter :) 

'cuz he got malo in him | yoongi ✓Where stories live. Discover now