2: a day in the forest

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Drip. Drip. Drip.

In my mind, it was a rainy day and grandma was making her special dandelion tea, like she always does on a rainy day. I opened my eyes with excitement but all of those emotions dissolved into thin air when I saw a dull grim forest in front of me.

Everything came rushing back to me as I mentally slapped myself for sleeping while my loved ones were in danger. I felt the desperate need to do something to rescue them even though I was aware I was just a simple teenage girl who only knew basic survival skills. It  would be silly to venture out and pretend to be the hero.

I got up from the filthy ground as I brushed off dirt from my pants. I realised I did not know where to go or how I was going to find food. Even though I was ravenous, I decided that I would take a walk through the forest since I knew I was going to be living there for the coming weeks.

Rain was splashing down on me and soaking me wet to the bone but there was nothing I could do about it. As I went deeper into the forest, I knew I would spot some creatures which I hoped weren't carnivores. Just then, I noticed a spear on the ground with dried blood. It must have been from one of the hunters who came by once in a while to replenish our supplies.

Thinking it would come in handy, I took it and planned to wash it properly later. It must have been really old because even the heavy rain did not wash it off. Just as I was about to take rest from walking for a long time, I saw a bird's nest with two large eggs. I climbed the tree and took the large eggs as I silently apologised to the mother of the birds before jumping down. Eating raw eggs was a specialty back home because it was said to give you a long life. The irony of the situation caused me to laugh as I took the eggs and kept walking.

As I sucked the raw eggs, my mind kept on wondering to the images of my emotionless grandmother and friend. They were so emotionless that it was so unreal. Just then I realised the soldiers must have done something to their bodies to make them unconscious so that they would not fight back. Why did I not realise this before? I quickly finished the eggs and got up. I needed water but that did not seem important to me right now. I could just drink from a nearby water source when I come across one on the way.

I knew it could be dangerous and death was very possible. However the reason I was living was to save my family. If not, I might as well surrender myself to the soldiers. A possible plan came to my mind. Since, I had a spear now, my heart beat faster at the possibility of a happy family again and my footsteps widened until I found myself jogging through the still unfamiliar forest.

After what I assumed to be a few hours, I started panting as I put my hands on my knees and stopped jogging. I was thirsty and hungry, the raw eggs having digested long time ago. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't find a water source even after the heavy rain. I stopped and sat beside a huge tree and tried to come up with a plan.

Just at that moment, I heard the crunching of the dead and wet leaves. Someone was nearby! It had to be a soldier. I quickly looked around for an escape. I had seen a cave some time ago but it must be far away after running for a long time. I attempted to climb a tree and after a few painful moments, I succeeded. The sound became louder as I concealed myself with a few branches and looked out for the person who was approaching.

The familiar green and grey soldier uniform came into sight as I heaved a sigh of relief for managing to climb the tree quickly. The soldier looked around with his tired eyes as though looking for someone. Once he made sure no one was there, he continued through the endless path of trees. Well, that was what I thought he was going to do. After a while, he stopped and rested under a tree.

"Damn it!" I whispered as my plan got delayed due to this soldier. However, I was not planning to escape from my position because I did not want to play with the fine line of life that I was hanging on to.

I did not know when I fell asleep but I woke up with an excruciating pain on the back of my head. I realised I fell off the tree I had climbed up.

"Who are you?" a voice called out to me and I knew I could kiss goodbye to my precious life and any possible attempts of saving my family and friends.

"Who are you?" a voice called out to me and I knew I could kiss goodbye to my precious life and any possible attempts of saving my family and friends

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