15. Making Moves

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Camry's POV

I wait for his reaction but he's just blank, staring back at me.

"What?" He finally repeats with a short incredulous laugh and I sigh.

"My mother's a drug dealer." The last thing I expected to flash in his eyes was anger.

"You've been living with a drug dealer?" He angrily moves away and I could already taste the regret.

He's disgusted.

Most of them would be. I let my gaze drop to the floor as I nod.  Moments later he sighs, lifting my chin so that I could meet his eyes.

"I dont care about your status Camry, I'm worried about you. Who knows what she could do to you, while you sleep. . . even more reason why I should stay here." My eyes widen.

"Tyler she wouldn't hurt me." I try to assure him but instead he shakes his head.

"I should've brought more clothes." He murmurs and I sigh, a small smile wanting to play at my lips.

"Does the bad boy care about me?" I coo and his eyes narrow.

"Shut up before I throw you outside the window."


"I really am fine though, she doesn't bother me, if she does its only verbal."

"But stills I'm here for you." He mutters staring into my eyes and my breath hitches.

"As I am for you."

× × ×

Its the morning of the test and I've never seen Tyler any more nervous.

Peter ditched me for some girl again but I think Tyler has some part to play in it.

"Calm down Tyler." I sigh, "you'll pull out your hair."

"What If I fail?" He looks to me and I sigh, deciding to calm him by running a hand though his hair and he actually seems to like it as he closes his eyes and leans into my hand.

"Then I'll be right there to help you again."

It was lunch time and I was currently waiting for Tyler as Peter and I stood talking by my locker.

"Um Camry?" Peter looked behind me.

"He's coming isn't he?" My heart started beating nervously and he nods.

"Good news or bad news?"

"See for yourself." Turning around at my name being called, I look to find Tyler running at the speed of light towards me, a huge grin on his face.

As soon as he was near me he shoved the paper in my face.

"Calm down Ty." I laugh bubbly as my eyes focus on the mark.


My eyes widen.  "You for an A minus." I shriek and his grin immediately drops.

"What? Is it—"

"Shut up." I launch myself into his arms squeezing tightly. "I am so proud of you." I pull away, pinching his cheeks as he starts grinning again.

"I'm just going to go. " we both ignore Peter as he begins to tell me all of the teachers remarks.

"I knew you could do it Ty." I sigh and he licks his lips.

"Its all because of you." He gives me a lopsided grin and I nearly faint by how intense he was looking at me.

We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity before a voice interrupted us.

"Get a room." Jake sniggers and I frown as Tyler immediately scowls, pulling me closer to him.

"Hello there little Camry." Spencer grits and his face looks terrible. Yeesh.

"What happened to your face?" Was the first thing that falls out of my mouth and Tyler smirks as he glares.

"Not important. I hope we'll be seeing you at the party this evening."

"Move." Tyler hisses and I frown at his behaviour towards his friends.

"Tyler." I scold and he just narrows his eyes at Spencer.

"I'll be there." I offer him a smile and he returns it. But it was mockingly.

'I know something that you don't.'

× × ×

"Does your dad know you're leaving tonight? Or is he a drug dealer too?" Tyler was awfully serious as he sat on my bed with his signature black ripped skinny jeans, and smug black T-shirt.

"That story's for another time."

"When we get back maybe?" He tilts his head cutely and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever." I brush my hair, leaving it to lie on the black T-shirt that Tyler picked out for me, actually, we were matching

"Something friends should do." He says and I just roll my eyes agreeing.

When we arrived the party was in full swing. It wasn't my first party, yet I still didn't like it. The smell of sweat, booming music and slightly drunk teenagers?


"Coca cola?" Tyler asks and I frowned.

'Why can't I have alcohol."

"Yea. . .you're not allowed to have any."

"Why not?"

"Because I said so." I grab the can from his hands and he smirks. "I don't really like crowds, kitchen?" I nod and he leads me through the huge house. The walls were white and I felt sorry for the special someone who had to clean the puke off them tomorrow.

The music seemed less louder and I realized that we weren't the only people in here.

Spencer and Jake stood with two girls of their own, along with a bunch of other people.

They waved at us and Tyler just averts his eyes, tipping his canned beer and taking a large gulp.

I let my eyes survey the room aimlessly, there's a girl on the table doing belly shots and I watch as she shamelessly laughs.

"I got an A." Tyler speaks up and my by eyes move back to his. He was smiling, and I returned it.

"You got an A." I nod and he sighs.

"Most of the times I make it barely with  B. But an A? You're amazing." His gaze intensifies and for a moment I can't breathe,  his hands move to my waist as he places down his drink.

"I-I just helped you. N-nothing much." But he shakes his head.

"This is not the place for this but you didn't care for the popular me Camry, you looked at me like I was just someone else, yet like you actually saw me." He leans in a bit and I eye his face.

So many emotions.

"What happens after tonight?" He murmurs.

"What do you want to happen?" I dare to ask and he draws in a breath.

"I want us . ." he knitts our hands together. "To continue what we have going."

"What do we have going?" I ask again and he shrugs.

"Someone I don't want to end."

And with that his mouth was on mine.

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