20. Silence

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Camry's POV

"Oh dad," I whisper, my voice hoarse as I lay on the overgrown grace near stone. The cemetery was less than inviting, especially in the late night but I didn't really want to go anywhere else. "I don't know what to do." I sniff. "I don't— mom— ever sinxe— please come back."

I close my eyes tightly, know that my wish could never come true.

"Its not working. My life's not working. Dad, I tried to. . I tried to fit in and I tried to be normal, hide my tears and pain." I started sobbing, and before I knew it I was even more of a mess, sobbing loudly while talking. "Its not just him. It everyone. Mom, the kids at school. I thought I could trust him, but it seems like I'm just a game to everyone." I try wiping the tears, sitting up because I was about to start choking on the salty liquid.

"What do I do?!" I hit my palm on my leg. "Oh universe what can I do for you! I've had enough, please just five me a break. I have nothing going for me can't you see."

Great I'm going crazy.

"I'm nor going to college, most likely won't get a job, everyone who comes into my life makes fun of it, my dads dead, my moms a drug dealer what do you want from me?" I was sobbing so hard that my throat began to hurt as I rocked back and forth on the grass, rain begins to fall but I stay put, silently begging the world to just let me be.

× × ×

When I got home I felt like a shell. I didn't care about the odd looks I got from on the streets, or the blank look my mother gave me as I walked to my room.

What I did care about was the boy pacing my floor?

"What are— you know what I don't care get out."

"Camry!" He jumps, his eyes wide and I step away quickly. Hurt flashes through his eyes and I shake my head. "Where have you been?"

"Don't ask me any questions just get. Out." I probably looked like a mess. I fell asleep on weeds at a cemetery in a clothes that reek sweat.

"I-I know what Spencer said it—" His hair was messy, and he had the same clothes as yesterday too. But I didn't care.

"Tyler. I don't care." I answer, shaking my head and now he just looks desperate.

'Camry you have to listen to me, What happened —"

"Leave me alone!" I yell frustratedly. "Whatever you have to say, whatever excuse, explanation, save it, okay? I am done," my voice cracks, and I grip my hair trying to swallow.  "I am done being pushed around by people like you. You think you're better than everyone just because you have money. . and looks, you know me Tyler, I told you everything! And you just
. . you just a throw that away." I whisper the last part and he groans.

"Camry if you would just—"

"I want you to leave Tyler. . please just. . just go." I hold in the tears, avoiding eye contact as he stays quiet. "Please."

"I'm sorry." Is all he whispers before I hear the window opening and he slips out, out of my room, and out of my life.

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