Apple pie// angliškas minčių išliejimas

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You remind me of an old french movie, which's thoughts I only understand about one tenth of what the film wanted to say, remind me of dandelion seeds that sway in the wind, of an old, sad song i once heard when I listened to old vinyls of my grandparents.
You remind me of an apple pie.
God, how you remind me of an apple pie.
Probably, because... well, I don't really know, you see...
I love the smell of apple pie,-well, actually, I love everything that smells like desserts,- and that's probably one of the main reasons, why I decided to learn how to bake it.
I loved- love- mixing, working, baking and after all that hard work just look how the cake turns golden and brown in my oven and the sweet aroma spreads in all the rooms of my house.
I wish that one day you'd wake up to the smell of that pie, because I'd wake up early and start making it, and while I'd wait for it to bake, I'd sit there in the kitchen, listening to quiet music, trying not to wake you up, drinking coffee and sketching something in my notebook. You'd come to the kitchen, still trying to wake up, all sleepy, laugh at my attempt to cook something and the kitchen i messed all up.
You know, it would be great to wake up and see you sleeping next to me and taste the sweetness of the apple pie on your lips. But you're as difficult as that freaking french movie, as sad and shattered as that old vinyl, fastly moving away from me and slipping through my fingers like dandelion seeds.
Thanks. Now I can't even make my apple pie without thinking of you.
Dėkui Juliukas123 , kad paskatino dar kelti savo kūrinius čia.

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