Chapter 3

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Harry came into work today and found Violet in a diffrent room for some reason he thought mabey Brandon moved her into a diffrent room to annoy Harry, Harry asked the lady at the front desk her name was Linda she had a crush on Harry since Harry went to work there at Sydney Hospital

Harry said "Do you know were they have moved Violets room?"

Linda said "she was moved to room.........."

*computer mouse clicks* " 2-112"

"Thanks Linda."

Linda felt special for a few seconds because she still has a crush on Harry she just decides not to show it because she feels that he might not like her and turn her down Linda had brown hair and was tan skin colorshe had a sensitive persanality and was very generouse Harry was running up to the second floor into room one hindred-twelve while he was running to her room he was thinking about his life and how it went wrong and why he was also thinking on maybe to stop killing his patients but then Harry remembered why he even started killing on the first place, and he was also hoping that Brandon didn't be him to it then Harry found Violet sleeping in her bed she did look alot more better, wasn't sure if he should wake her or just let her sleep but then Brandon saw Harry just standing there staring.

Brandon said"stalker much"

And just walked away back down in the staff room Harry kept on having a flash back on the Violet came through the hospital doors and kept remembering that face that Violet made in some way it touched him all the staff thought it was a Miracle because Harry's new patient didn't die at all, yet.


Harry just came into to work Harry was more tired than ever, he was so tired because he was up all night thinking about Violet and still can't forget about the gave that she made when came through those two doors Harry was tossing him self on his bed the hole night he just kept waking up to Violet's face he just couldn't figure out why is he starting to have feelings for her he shook his head because he thinks it's all in his mind but deep inside he knows that he is starting to have feelings for Violet, but he just couldn't take it all in right now well you should now why

Later that day Harry went into Violet's room to see her, but he was to late Harry saw Brandon and Violet together, laughing Harry is starting to get this feeling the thing is that he never felt JEALOUS Harry didn't know how to feel about this so he left to the staff room again to take it all in then a few minutes later Brandon passed by the staff room winking at Harry, Harry felt betrayed by Violet but Harry couldn't be mad because Violet doesn't even know when Brandon left Harry hurried to Violet's room Harry was happy that he now has alone time with Violet, Violet didn't really pay any attention to Harry because she was watching something on the small T.V she was also eating apple sauce and a small piece of pie, she also had a bottled milk it was like the Nesqhik the bottled up ones she drank it little by little then Violet noticed Harry standing there near the door.

Violet said "why are you just standing there by the door?"

Harry said "what are you talking about?"

Harry just stood there and tried to think up an idea so Violet doesn't think he's a weirdo or something.

"I'm just here to check up on you."

"Dr. Brandon already checked up on me you don't need to check up on me."

Harry was so mad after that happened he also felt embarrassed he went to get a drink Brandon walked by he wasn't happy he didn't even say a word when he walked by Harry, Harry was confused why didn't he say a word to him? Harry slowly followed Brandon to....where ever he was going to then he went to a patient room it wasn't Violet's room it was another patients room the patient there was Mr. Jeffrey, he was injected with his daily medicine he was always injected twice a day, the thing was why was Brandon so sad then when Brandon left the room Harry sunk in the room and saw the clipboard of what he was diagnosed with it was cancer it was heart cancer Harry couldn't feel more sorry for the patient and Brandon, maybe Brandon had a relative that had a type of cancer.

When Harry returned home Harry was just driving home while he was driving he saw,.....Violet? He pushed the brakes and stopped as quickly as he could then he got out of his car to check if it was her or somebody else he saw nobody on the ground so he went back into his car and continue to drive home, when he got home Harry got into the shower he was having emotional flash backs of when he was little and remember why he does what he does, Harry fell he couldnt get back up he had his phone in the bathroom so Harry called nine one one, when the ambulance got to Harry's house Harry was in a coma, they finally got to the hospital, after a few minutes in the hospital harry could finaly open his eyes when he did he was lying next to Violet in the same room Harry was questioning on why he was put in the same room as Violet he wasn't complaining he was just questioning he thought this would be good if he wanted their friend ship to become more succesfull. 

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