chapter 4

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Harry woke up thinking it was going to be a good day since Violet is in the same room they could talk about things in their life and Harry did't have to work since he is still recovering on what happend the other night, when Harry was awake Violet was still asleep, but she eventually woke up she asked why Harry was in the same room.

"What are you doing here in this room"

"what happend"

"doctors say it's nothing serious, i slipped and fell on to the ground nothing that serious'

Violet was releaved that Harry wasn't seriously hurt she started to have feelings for Harry, when Brandon got to Violet's room Brandon was jealouse becuase Harry will be there first and will get to spend more time with Violet and get to know her better

Violet said "So what do you want to ask me"

"Tell me about your self like, what's your background story?"

"We'll I grew up in Seattle, Washington and I'm naturally brown hair, I was born at exactly 2:36am in the morning, what else do you want to know"

"Hmmm what's your full name"

"My FULL name?"


"We'll my full name is, Violet Virginia I have two first names I don't know why, so tell me about you."

"Well, ok what do you want to know about me?"

Well where did you grow up in?"

I was born in Cheshire, UK, my parents died in a car crash and I was put in a foster home."

"Really you don't look like a type a guy that grew up in a foster home, you must've had a great foster home."

"You could say that."

Harry and Violet spent the whole day talking and laughing watching T.V, when Violet fell asleep Harry was just in his bed staring at the ceiling just wondering if this is a good idea to get to know her, Harry is starting to regret on even getting to know her or seeing her so after a few hours Harry fell asleep


When Harry woke up he felt so refreshed besides his leg and back but, ok and he was always teasing Brandon when he came to check up on both Violet and Harry, Harry felt like he was a little child with a crush on the most popular girl in school Violet and Harry looked much more better and when Violet could start to walk again she would lie down next to Harry and watch the T.V Harry felt reborn, it's like they were a happy couple but they are just "friends" but then and now he gets this wretched feeling in his stomach thinking this wrong by now she would be done but Harry has deep feelings for her Harry would act very weird around her and Violet could see it she thought maybe he likes her but then she felt ugly and thought no he couldn't like. Me I'm ugly well she felt not pretty when she looks in the mirror to long she started to see her flaws but Harry never saw flaws in her never when he was leaving the room he saw Nadia his secret girlfriend they would always act as they don't know each other because she was secret so no body ever found out or knew about them until know he went up to her and kissed her she thought What are you doing!

And Nadia whispered "I thought you didn't want any body know about us .?"

Harry didn't answer because they were busy kissing and they stopped for a slight second looking at each other the thing is that they did that in front of Violet she was broken inside she almost felt like crying so she calmly walked into the bathroom and cried silently Brandon knew she was in there but he didn't know that she was crying her face off before she came out of the bathroom she looked fine like she didn't even cry Brandon she looks fine so he wasn't worried when he turned she was sleeping. On the other hand Harry was busy at a fancy restaurant called le talepathè they were laughing the whole time then they went home and went to sleep and so did Brandon but he slept in the room Violet was in on a couch in her room.

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