Toothless Toughts

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(Just an Information in advance if you haven't watched the new season of RTTE your not gonna understand this so go watch it on Netflix or where you normally watch series's and then come back and read this.

I have written down some thoughts Toothless could have had while The 6 season and I know the sentences aren't the exact same but it's the same meaning also this is a pre story for an other story on my account that's going to be bigger and of course it's going to be Toothcup I mean c'mon there the cutest. Enjoy 😉.)

(PS: somehow Hiccup understands Toothless.)


,,And Toothless. C'mon. he's the cutest. obviously like a little puppy. Am I Right T? yeah you get me. What's about balf and........."

*he thinks I'm the cutest one...I'm not cute!!! I'm Majestic!......but maybe being cute isn't that bad.
And why did he hit my paw?*



,,I would never Hurt such a magnificent creature."
* Viggo why does every one have to give me compliments today?! Even the ones you never expect t—OMG WHY ARE THERE SO MANY ARROWS!?!?*



,,and all of this would have never happened if I didn't shot down Toothless."
,,All of you know it, I know it, the whole Village knows it,"
<hiccup please...>
,,even he knows it"

,,oh hey bud you know I didn't mean it that way."
<I know>
,,I would never regret shooting you down."
,,sorry sorry You know I didn't mean it that way either hehe."


,,so wanna do a race to Berk?"


*it's going to be me or Stormfly for sur-HEY*

<Hiccup why are you turning around?like this we're going to lose the race>

,,Toothless be quiet I explain it to you in a moment."
Hiccup flew with Toothless back to the cliff in his room and he sits himself on his bed.

<Hiccup can you now tell me why we came back? I thought we go to berk>
,,yes sorry i just said that we do a Race so they wouldn't notice that we're gone. but we would have won anyway." Toothless smiles but then looks serious.
,,Do you remember a week ago when we talked about what would have happened if I didn't shoot you down."
<yeah and I remember how Astrid told you that I would anyway be by your side, and everything would be like it is.
Now let's g->

,,THAT ISN'T WHAT I MEAN I wanted to ask, if you would be happier if I didn't shot you down...."

Toothless is shocked <.........>

,,I'm mean äh Toothless what are you doing?" Toothless lies on the ground and doesn't move. Hiccup first doesn't understand what Toothless is doing but then recognizes the pose ,,oh okay.......I'm going to kill you oh no I can't do it."

Toothless opens his eyes and narrows
Them <take this serious>

,,okay okay I'm going to cut your heart o-out and bring it to my fath...#sobs#"
*wow he's really taking this serious it feels like he's really crying.* then Toothless feels tears falling on his chest *WAIT HE'S REALLY CRYING!*

<Hiccup why are you crying?!> he growls as he stands up and snuggles him ,,i...i just had to think of what would have happened if I really would have killed you." <Hiccup don't think about things like that I know you'd never would have done something like thi—>



<did you think I never wanted to kill you.....the moment you cut the ropes I was 100% sure I would kill you, why did you thought I hold you down like this. Hiccup did you thought my plan was it to just roar at you and fly off I was a wild Night Fury.....#sigh#

he screams at Hiccup as he holds him down like he did back then but then Hiccup does something he didn't expect. Hiccup hugged him ,,thank you Toothless"


,,Because you told me how you felt and I know that I shot you down was the best thing ever in my life because that what Astrid said was Completely ridiculous."
<yeah as if I knock myself out against a rock.>

,,You think that was ridiculous not that I don't know you exactly landed we're I was, or that the whispering death came at exactly that moment. or that Gobber invented all that stuff that I did over all these years and you instantly saving me without having to become friends?! Yeah of course that you knock yourself out is the most ridiculous thing. Your so clumsy I could believe that actually happen."
<I don't think it's so funny>

,,haha....Toothless I really really like you, you know that. We know each other like what almost 4 years.
You mean everything to me all of them aren't my friends they only like me because of you even Astrid.."


,,NO TOOTHLESS IT'S TRUE!'s true.......she only likes me because I have a Nightfury. only because of you I could fly with her in the sky...personally I would have enjoyed the flight much more if it only was you and me and if I didn't met you none of them would be my friends not even my dad.
He wouldn't even like me. are my only true Friend and I wouldn't give you away for anything in the world." Hiccup Finally says tears in the eyes holding Toothless face in his hands, looking him deeply in the eyes.
< h-hiccup I don't kno—>
Hiccup stops looking Toothless in the eyes and drops Toothless face ,,no sorry I don't wanna annoy you with my stupid feelings c'mon let's go to berk the others are probably already th—"

Hiccup already stands up and was walking to the door when Toothless jumps from behind on his back Hiccup falling on his stomach.
,,hey Toothless wha—mmmnnf"
Toothless turns Hiccup around and then kisses him on the mouth.
As Toothless steps back Hiccup sees that Toothless has too tears in his eyes.

<Hiccup I really really like you too even love and if you don't trust any of them you can trust me I will always be by your side and will never leave you.
The only reason why I'm playing with all these stupid dragons and all this stuff is just to be with you, because if the decision falls between a tailfin and the best Friend that I could Imagine. The decision is easy..... I mean who needs Legs and tailfins? always say you don't deserve me but, I think I'm the one not deserving you....>

Hiccup is speechless
,,......seriously....there's nothing in the world I could have done to deserve you."
<haha the same goes for you>
Hiccup pets Toothless and walks to the door, overlooking one last time the cliff.
,,what do you think bud, can we still catch up with them?"
Toothless purrs as he dives between Hiccups legs so that Hiccup is sitting on the saddle.
,,Well then let's Go!!!"

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