I Must Not Tell Lies

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One-shot: 5th year-I Must Not Tell Lies

Word count: 2,931

‘I must not tell lies’

Blood streaked from the wound upon the ravenette’s hand. His emerald green eyes ignited in a fiery of a glare which was aimed at the fugly pink toad. He glanced back down at his page and continued writing. It didn’t sting. He had quite a high tolerance of pain.

The words continuously carved themselves into his hand, going deeper each time. The blood quill spilling his blood upon the page.

‘I must not tell lies’

He wrote faster and filled the page. Blood was slowly dripping down his hand as he reached for another piece of parchment. His blood was spilling like the truth spills when under verterisum. Except his blood wasn’t supposed to be pooling around his hand. Voldemort was back. He had seen him and watched as he killed Cedric.


Sorrow hit Harry dead in the heart but Harry knew how to hide his emotions. He always kept them under lock and key. Only one person has been able to pick that lock and get under his skin. Draco Malfoy. He knew exactly which things to say and exactly which things to do to make his blood boil to the point his magic whipped around the room in a fiery of hatred.

But there was a very thin line between love and hatred. Harry knew that.


“You can go now Mr. Potter but I would like for you to return tomorrow for another detention.” Harry was startled out of his thoughts as the toad spoke.

“Of course Professor Umbridge” He responded in a monotone. He stood up collected his stuff and handed her his parchment. Swiftly he hurried from the room to the nearest loo.

Hatred was masked behind the void of green that belonged to Harry. He hated her.

‘I must not tell lies’

There was a slight sting on his hand as he looked down at the words. Harry sighed. Blood as steadily flowing freely from the wound. Anger hit harry as he cast a spell at the bathroom mirror, smashing it completely. Shards of glass littered themselves around him. He dropped to his knees pulling at his hair, blood slowly staining it to a dark red instead of the usua raven coloured locks. He brought the hand in front of his face and read it again.

‘I must not tell lies’

Harry wanted to scream. He wanted someone to understand that he wasn’t lying. His own best friends didn’t even believe him! A strangled sb echoed throughout the room. Harry looked around and realized that the sob had indeed come from him. Pain flashed in his eyes. He couldn't do this. He needed someone. Anyone. To help him.

He grabbed his wand once more. He tried to heal his hand but it wouldn’t heal. He could only succeed in stopping the scarlet red from flowing. Suddenly there was a noise as someone entered the bathroom. Harry looked up. Draco Malfoy.

Horror crossed his face. His worst rival had seen him at his weakest point. Harry jumped to his feet and dashed out of the room. He soon found himself at the Fat Lady portrait.

“Flobberworms” Harry rushed out in a voice barely above a whisper. He scurried in as soon as the portrait opened and headed straight to his room. He collapsed on his bed breathing hard. He just wanted to forget everything. Soon his eyes drifted closed only for his sleep to be plagued with nightmares and dreams of a particular silver eyed, platinum blonde hair boy.


Harry woke with a start, sweat was dripping down his body mingling with salty tears that had streaked themselves down his face.

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