Clowns Love Kidnapping Danny, Apparently

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(Danny's P.O.V.) (Also, this entire thing is pretty much a flashback, keep that in mind) 

Ever been kidnapped by a clown? Well, believe it or not, it's happened to me twice now. The first time was by this one clown named Freakshow. This time it was by some other clown in a purple suit with green hair and a freakishly huge grin, but I'll bet he works at Circus Gothica. Or at least, that's what I was thinking until I woke up in a warehouse. 

That about catches us up. Anyways, I woke up in a warehouse. I looked around, but I couldn't spot anyone else in the room. I tried to phase through the handcuffs, but for some reason, they wouldn't budge. Strange. I've always been able to phase through objects, even in my human form. Which I suddenly realized I was in. Great, so whoever it was that had captured me knew about my human half. Perfect, just absolutely perfect. 

The man of the hour walked in. He held a crowbar in his hand, which I immediately took as bad. He wasn't a ghost, that much was certain. Most ghosts didn't walk, they floated. Not to mention my ghost sense didn't go off the second he got close. He was tall and skinny, and his green hair seemed to be balding. He gave a creepy laugh as he walked closer. "Man, that ghost! He must've done some sort of swapping trick or somethin', 'cause you sure weren't what I was expecting! All well, maybe I can get that bat to come play a game when he finds your body!" 

"Let me go!" I yelled. 

"Oh, don't worry. I'll let ya go soon. I just can't promise that you'll be alive." He swung the crowbar and it hit me across the face. I struggled to get out, but the problem was, I couldn't. I couldn't transform, I couldn't use my powers. For the first time since I got my powers, I was just a helpless fourteen-year-old kid who'd gotten way over his head. And I hated that feeling. 

I figured whatever that gas was what was keeping me from transforming. I'd started falling just after I'd inhaled it. He swung again, and I felt the sting of the metal hit my cheek. I could feel a slight trickle of blood going down my face. I felt the bruising across my wrists as I pulled against the zip-ties that were holding me to the cold metal chair. I heard the laughter as he hit me again and again with the chunk of metal. I heard the thwack of the crowbar as it met my soft flesh and hard bone. I could taste the metallic taste of blood inside my mouth. I could smell the scent of my own blood, along with something that smelled suspiciously of salt water. I saw the relentless swinging of the clown, his face stretched in a wide smile. I began drifting off. 

No! I had to stay awake. The longer I was awake, the harder it would be to kill me. I'd already half-died once, and I wasn't ready to become a full ghost. Not today, at least. I saw something. A shadow, I think. That was when the clown was pulled off of me. He was thrown across the room, and that was when I realized the shadow I had seen was really Batman. I'd heard of him, though I never thought I'd actually see him in real life. I'd only ever seen him on the news. If I wasn't so terrified, I would totally be freaking out with excitement. 

A few seconds later, he approached me slowly, hands raised to help calm me down. "You're safe now..." He spoke. It somehow made me Man, this must have been what it felt like to feel helpless like that. Sam and Tucker must really be brave...Oh no, Sam and Tucker! They are so going to kill me! Again! Not to mention my parents! Who knows how long I was out! I can't go home like this, they'll ask too many questions! That's when I noticed the zip-ties were cut. I rubbed my hands, but as I tried to stand up I felt really dizzy. Batman helped me stand, which I'm not gonna lie, was pretty awesome. Man, I don't even care that it totally degrades me as a hero, I was just saved by Batman! 

"T..thanks..." I muttered, loud enough for him to hear. 

"You can thank me later." He grumbled. 

"My so going to kill me." I chuckled before I got stuck in a coughing fit. 

"Quite talking, it'll make it worse." Batman instructed. 

"Probably, but it's the only thing keeping me awake at the moment." I weakly smiled, though it kind of hurt really bad. 

"Fine then, at least give me some useful information. Why was Joker trying to kill you?" Batman sighed. 

"I really don't know..." I stared ahead, and it was true, I really didn't know. That was when I saw it. The legendary batmobile. The last thing I remember was being hoisted inside before I finally passed out. 


Okay, yeah, so that's the first chapter. Whatever. I just jumped right into the action packed part, didn't I. Yep. Goodbye then. 


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