Strange Meetings

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"Why the hell is Vlad here?" Danny blinked in confusion. He turned to see another man in a business suit standing there as well. "And who are you?" 

"Daniel James Fenton! Vlad is a dear friend of ours and you know it!" Maddie glared, then turned towards Vlad. "I'm sorry, I guess he won't stop bringing up the Dalv co. incident." 

"What Dalv co. incident? Did it involve ghosts?!" An overly excited Jack smiled, pulling a bazooka out of seemingly nowhere and definitely surprising the other man in the business suit. 

"Yes Jack, but it was months ago! I doubt the ghost are still there by now. All though I suppose we could check it out after we get home..." Maddie muttered, but Danny and Jazz both shouted "No!" before they could decide on anything else. 

"Won't I need to stay home for a while once I get home? I did after the first accident." Danny gave an innocent smile. 

"First accident?" The man with the business suit spoke up. Everyone immediately turned towards him. Danny, Sam, and Tucker gave each other quick glances of unease. 

"Danny," Maddie shot him a look that basically said that she was still mad at him, "decided that he should mess around in the lab without supervision. He learned his lesson though, haven't you." It wasn't a question, and Danny knew it. If he were ever found messing around with their equipment unsupervised, he may as well dig his own grave. Of course, there really was nothing they could do about Danny Phantom messing with their stuff. Well, besides ring out a few hundred threats and shoot a few lasers, but none of them never actually hit him. 

"I see," The man, whom Danny still had no clue as to who he was, didn't seem to be too amused at that fact. 

"And who are you, exactly?" Danny blinked. He looked over at Sam who had buried her face in her palms muttering how hopeless Danny was. 

"Bruce Wayne," He held out a hand before awkwardly realizing that with all the IV's Danny had it was pointless. 

"Danny," Maddie suddenly sounded very serious. Even Jack had lost the smile and cheery demeanor he usually had. "Your heart stopped beating six times. We thought we were going to lose you." 

Danny wished he could've said he was surprised, but hey, six times was nothing compared to his first visit, which had actually terrified the living daylights out of him. "Hey, at least it wasn't twenty-seven like last time, right?" 

Poor Bruce. He had absolutely no clue what was going on, and he seemed more alarmed than ever at the fact that his heart stopping six times wasn't the slight bit concerning to him. If anything, his all-time high of going into cardiac arrest in a single hospital visit just alarmed him more. 

"Danny!" It was Sam this time. Danny suddenly felt guilty. Sam had felt guilty the first time at the hospital, not knowing exactly what had happened, and watching as his heart kept stopping. That must have been frightening to her, if not absolutely terrifying. "This is serious!" 

"Yeah dude. This really is, man. That crazy clown could've killed you. You're lucky that Batman helped you out, or he probably would have." Of course, Tucker had only really been saying that because of the adults in the room. Danny was positive that whenever he got out of here, he was going to be swarmed by questions about why he even took the beating, and why he didn't just go intangible and get out of there. He'd still have to work out how he was going to explain that green gas stuff that had done whatever it had done to his powers. Speaking of which, he needed to know if those were back. He turned his finger invisible, on the side where Sam, Tucker and Jazz were standing of course, and then turned his attention back to the adults, where his parents were talking to Mr. Wayne about ghosts, and Vlad was glaring daggers at his dad. 

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