Friends Care.

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Chapter four:

Friends Care.


"What happened? Why are you covered in blood?!" Said Sterling.

"I-I-It happened a-again." I said looking away.

"What do you mean again? Are you okay?" He asked hesitantly.

"No, I'm n-not o-okay... A-After my Mom died, I-I started feeling like I n-needed t-to see it, b-blood... I started mutilating small animals like rodents a-and snakes." I looked down sadly, 'he won't want to be my friend anymore...'

"Its okay..." I looked up at him cynically, disbelieving his words.

"Yeah, a-and I-I'm sane." I said sarcastically.

"I'm serious, I don't care if you murder small animals, it doesn't mean I will hate you. That doesn't make you a bad person, you have suffered a tragedy, I understand." He said walking toward me slowly.

"Wh-Why are y-you so nice t-to me? I-I-I don't deserve it. I-I'm a m-monster." I lowered my head in shame, staring at my blood covered converse.

He walked up to me and tilted my head up, I scrunched my face into a grimace, I turned my eyes away from his worried look, unable to turn my head, of which is still in his grip.

"Y-You... Should m-move on..." I said, implying we shouldn't be close anymore.


"W-What...?" I snapped my eyes back to him widened

"I said no! I'm going to be your friend, I'm not leaving or 'moving on' okay? it's not happening." He said sternly.

'Why do you think we call him Sterling?' I thought to myself.

"Y-You're so s-stubborn... Why? Why c-continue b-b-being fr-friends with a m-monster?" I asked.

"Because I care about you, your my best friend, even when you didn't talk to me, dummy." He said the last word with a light punch to my shoulder. "You, are not, a monster."

"Okay..." I wrapped my arms around him, my hands shaking. "... Th-Thank you... Y-Your like a b-big brother."

"I'm fine with that, because your like a little brother." he said looking at me and wrapping his arms around me.


The next day I was in 'my' place just hanging out in my bed before school, I'm just wondering why, why would Sterling still want to be my friend, I'm a monster! I can't continue this, what if I hurt him? What happens then? Will he still want to be friends after he sees me favouring his blood, cutting into him... I need to stop thinking. Right now.

I got out of bed and got dressed, getting a striped black and white sweater and some black jeans, put my black converse on and  grabbed my backpack heading into the kitchen.

Grabbing my last granola bar and walking out.

I had gotten up early just to walk to school and in walking out I saw Sterling outside in his Chevy.

"Hey, I was waiting for you. Why are you up so early?" He started.

"I was pl-planning to w-walk. What a-are you d-doing here? "

"I was gonna drive ya, cause ya hate the bus."

"T-Thank you." I said walking toward his car door.

"No problem buddy." he smiled, patting the passenger seat. "Get in! Let's go." he said.

"O-Okay." I got in and we started driving toward school.

Along the drive I noted the fact that we had passed the school, I mistook this and thought, 'He probably wants to take me into a secluded place to kill me, he changed his mind and doesn't want to be friends anymore... I know I'm a Monster, you could have given me some mercy though...' I leaned back and shut my eyes, praying one more time for good measure.


Heyy Wolveys! thank you all very much for the reads, comments, votes and/or follows! ^~^ please mention any mistakes!

-- Shadow --

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