The File

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Patient: Celestiel Sumter

Age: 30

Birthdate: 10/04/1986

What Brings you to the office today?:  Sexual abuse in my past has kept me from moving forward in my future.

What do you hope to get out of your sessions with the doctor?:  I hope the doctor can help me find some closure and heal from all of the past hurts.

Briefly describe some of your concerns for your session with the doctor.:  I have nightmares about my sexual assaults.  I feel guilty that I didn't have the strength to fight off my attackers.  I have a hard time finding sexual release when intimate with men.  I think I'm addicted to porn. 

What would you consider a success if you were to get it from the sessions?:  I would no longer have to masturbate three to four times a day.  I would be able to sleep at night.  I would be able to speak to my parents without having animosity.  I would be able to carry on a regular relationship that is healthy and can thrive without the restraints of my past.  

On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate the extent of your concerns?:  10

Are you depressed?:  Yes

Do you suffer from anxiety?:  Yes

Do you currently take any medications for these issues if any please list them below.:  No

Do you want to harm yourself?  I don't want to harm myself but I feel like hardcore sex is the only kind that can satisfy me.  

What pharmacy do you use?:  CVS

Celestiel: Henry, I made it home.  Thank you for dinner.

Henry: It was my pleasure.  I would love to take you out again really soon.  

Celestiel:  I'd like that.

Henry:  Can I store your number and give you a call sometimes?

Celestiel:  Sure, I'd like that.  Good night Henry.

Henry:  Sleep well Beautiful.

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