Plan in Motion

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8:30 AM

Henry: Good morning beautiful, I was wondering if you'd have lunch with me at that little café that I met you at?

8:35 AM

Celeste: Good morning Henry, I'd like that very much. I take lunch at 12:30PM, will that be okay.

8:36 AM

Henry: That time is great. I'm off today so I can pick you up, I'll be outside your building then. Have a good day until then.

8:40 AM

Celeste: You too. See you soon.

"Who are you texting on that dreaded phone while you are visiting your momma?" My mom asked just as I was placing the phone in my pocket.

"Just a beautiful young woman that I happen to be very interested in momma." I say and immediately her eyes go big. Great, now she'll expect us to be married and having babies by the end of the week.

"Henry, that's wonderful. When can I meet this young lady?" She looks into my eyes. "Oh Henry, you really like this one. You have that look in your eyes." I chuckle under my breath. Leave it to my mom to read into the situation more than it need be.

"Mom, we just met. We went out for the first time last night and I'm going to take her to lunch this afternoon. It's too early to really know where this is headed." She shook her head and waved a finger in my face.

"It might be early, but I know that look. That far off look. Like you'd rather be where ever she is right now. I laughed to myself because truth be told, I was willing the clock to hurry up and chime twelve o'clock just so I could head over to Celeste job and pick her up.

"Henry, I might be old school, where love is concerned, but when its right baby, its just right!" She patted me on the shoulder as she walked past me to sit in the living room. I joined my mom in the living room and a rambunctious Marciana came bopping into the room. I grabbed her up and tossed her in the air and caught her before tickling her. She started to laugh and the infectious laughter of my little niece made me long for something I didn't have; a family. I played with my niece around the house ; drinking fake tea and wearing Tiaras. When it was 11:45, I kissed my mother and niece goodbye as I headed out the door on the way to get Celeste. I decided I didn't want to go empty handed, so I stopped and bought her some flowers. I parked in the parking lot behind Celeste's job and waited for her to come out. When she came out of the building, my breath caught in my throat. She was wearing this yellow pantsuit and it was hugging her in all the right areas. She gazed around the parking lot until she spotted my car and then she headed in my direction. I got out and greeted her with the flowers and a chaste kiss on the cheek.

"You look beautiful today," I said as I usher her into the car.

"Thank you," She said strapping herself into the seatbelt. I got in on the other side then turning to her, I kissed her the way I've wanted to kiss her since she left last evening. Now that I knew her inside out, I planned on using some of my insight to help me break down her walls and help her to rebuild with me. I know it was wrong to look at her file after I said I wouldn't, but I just had to know what I needed to keep a woman like Celeste around for the long haul.
During the ride from Celeste's job, we caught up on each others day. Celeste shared that three more files were dropped on her desk before leaving for lunch which meant a hard end of the day. I just hope that lunch will take her mind off of that.

"My mom wants to meet you." I say when we are seated at the café.

"Why would she want to meet me?" I gave her a once over; from her hair to her face, her body.

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