I'm such an idiot

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Pov Dipper

When we were walking I started to get this odd feeling. I mean we're far away from the castle and it's snowing. It's not strong but I'm still worried.

The feeling in my heart is telling me that something bad might happen. I didn't listen because my head was telling me everything is fine. 

"Did you hear that?" Bill said.
"Hear what? " I asked.
"Nevermind." Bill said.

We both continued to walk and I heard something. I didn't bother because it was probably us. Right? Bill was coming closer to me and I looked at him. His eyes were just looking around the area. I heard a distance howl, Bill doesn't do anything. Did he even hear it?

"Did you hear that?" I asked.
"The owl? " Bill said.
"Yeah. " I guess he didn't?

I heard something crushing on the leaves. I froze and my eyes widen, wolves were in the bushes.

I turned around and Bill looks at me with confusion. I grabbed Bills hand and I started to walk faster. I was ahead of Bill because of my fast pace.

"Pinetree claim down." Bill said.
"Sorry." I said.

I felt a sharp pain in my arm, Bill's eyes widen. I suddenly kick something and hold my arm. It was bleeding, but it wasn't bad.

Bill looked around and we were surrounded by wolves. The wolves started to attack Bill and he's using his powers to stop them. I somewhat helped but I ended up getting scratched on the same arm that was bitten.

"Bill! " I yelled.

Once I said that they all ran away, he was on the floor. His clothes were somewhat ripped, there's scratches and bite marks everywhere. I run up to him and fell on my knees. He was unconscious.

"Bill... " Tears start rolling down my eyes.

I got up and placed his arm around my neck. I started to walk with him because I couldn't carry him. I'm weak, I really mean that because I have no strength.

"I'm so sorry." I mumbled.


It took me a while but I found my way back. I managed to open the door and walk over to the closest couch. I laid him down and rushed around to find someone. The first person I found was Mcgucket. His eyes filled with terror as he saw me. My whole arm was covered in blood.

"What happened?" He asked.
"Bill is seriously injured you have to get his brothers, Please! Forget about me just help him." I said.
"O-Okay. "

I picked him up and he told me where his brothers were. I hide my arm from them because Bill was more injured than me. He jumped out of my arms and I opened the door.

"Bill has been seriously injured." I said.
"What happened?" Will said.
"Just help your brother." I said.
"Where is he? " Kill asked.
"In the living room. " I said.

They rushed out to help his brother. I looked at the mirror that was in the room and rolled up my sleeve. The bite and scratch wasn't bad. I'm lying it's bad, it's a few centermeters deep.

I rolled it back down and walked to my room. When I was walking I felt a bit dizzy. I'm surprised that I managed to hide my arm from them. I mean my shirt that was bloody didn't give it away from them, but their brother is more important.

I felt the blood running down my finger tips. Everything went back and I ended up tripping.

I open my eyes and I was only bed. I looked at my arm and it was fixed. Bandages were covering my forearm and little bit of above. I get up and I felt light headed. I opened the door and walked down the hallway.

I see Will and his eyes widen. I look back at him and he walks up to me.

"Your up. " Will said.
"I am. " I said.
"You were passed out and your arm was covered in blood. We did the best we could." Will said.
"It's alright." I said.
"Thank you. " He said hugging me.
"Why? " I said.
"Thank you for finding and helping him. " Will said.

I can hear him mutter a few things and he was crying softly. I started to comfort him and he smiled. He was crushing my arm but I didn't mind.

"Sorry I get emotional." Will said letting go of me.
"Is he okay?" I asked.
"He's okay, its upstairs resting." Will said.

I ran upstairs and saw Kill, he looked at me and smiled.

"Second door on the left." He said.
"Thanks." I said.

I went to the second door and hesitated for a bit. I finally opened it and see him lying down. He was up.

"Pinetree? " Bill softly said.
"Bill." I cried.

Bill sat on the edge of his bed and I hugged him softly.

"I'm so sorry,  I didn't want this to happen." I said.
"Pinetree is alright." Bill said.
"No it's not! " I shouted.
"I heard the steps and I thought it was just us! I had this feeling and didn't tell you, I should have just told you. You got hurt and I got scared, okay? I got scared when you got bitten, that was the first time in my whole life I was scared. I'm such an idiot." I said.
"Pinetree." Bill said.
"I'm an idiot." I said.
"Your not an idiot. It's not your fault Pinetree, you shouldn't worry. I got scared when they bite you as well, I thought it was going to rip your arm off." Bill said.
"I just got worried...." I said.
"Mugucket told me how worried you were, you only thought about me. When I woke up I kept on thinking about you. Then Will told me that you passed out, I tried to get up but he stopped me." Bill said.
"I still feel like an idiot." I mumbled.
"Then your mine idiot." Bill said.
"I'm glad your okay." I said.
"Me too. "

Third person

Bill was shirtless this whole time and Dipper never noticed. Dipper didn't let go of Bill. Bill didn't let go of Dipper either.

Bill and Dipper both fell asleep. Dipper's head was on top of Bull's chest and Bill's arm was around Dipper.

Mean while Candy, Grenda, Soos, Pacifica, Mcgucket, Will and Kill were all in the living room.

"He's the one! " Pacifica, Candy and Grenda cheered.
"How are we sure." Soos asked.
"The boy cares about Bill very much." Candy said.
"Dipper is a sweet heart, he's suppose to be caring." Kill said.
"Don't you see! " Mcgucket said.
"He can help us! " Grenda said
"Dipper is just a caring person, Bill is different from Dipper. " Kill said.
"That's true. " Soos said.
"So what! Opposites attract." Pacifica said.
"Do we even know that Bill has feeling for Dipper or the other way around. " Kill said.
"Bill cares about him. " Will said.
"How? " Kill asked.
"When I told Bill that he passed out, he wanted to see him iddmenitly. The look on his face when I told him that, he was worried and scared." Will said.
"What about Dipper? " Soos said.
"I saw him and he looked like he was about to cry. He was covered in blood and said that master was injured. He didn't care about himself, he just wanted him to be okay." Mcgucket said.
"He's the one! " Candy and Grenda squealed.
"We need their love to grow even more." Pacifica said.
"Don't they have to confess to each other?" Soos said.
"I don't know. " Kill said.
"We can't interfear because it has to happen naturally." Will said.
"We can help. " Kill said.
"a little. " Will said.
"Yes! " Everyone said.

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