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Pov Mabel

My brother and I were in the living room while our great uncles were doing something. We both walked into our great uncle Ford's room to see what he's working. We both see our uncle Ford working on a clock.

"Why are you working on a clock?" I asked.
"I've had this thing for years and it belonged to your mother. " Ford said.
"Our mother owned this?" Dipper said.
"Yes she did, she loved the song that it played when it hit twelve o'clock," Ford said.
"Mother loved music didn't she Dipper." I said.
"She loves music and made her own little tone call the 'song of ages'." Dipper smiled.
"Well, Mabel would you like to come with me to the other kingdom?" Ford asked.
"Sure, but what about Dipper?" I asked.
"He went with me last time remember." I said.
"Okay, are we leaving now?" I asked.
"We are, but we would be back by tomorrow." Ford smiles.
"Okay then let's go," I said.

My brother waves goodbye to me as Ford and I leave gravity falls. Our horses carried us into the woods of Gravity falls to the north. 

My great uncle told me that there was a different way to go to this kingdom. We enter different parts of the woods and it became chilly. It was the being of June and it was very warm back at home. To me, it felt weird feeling this cold weather.

After a few minutes of riding our horses, the weather becomes quite odd. A sudden snowstorm comes and we could barely see where we were heading. We stumbled into a large castle and our horses kicked us off and ran away. We see the castle and we headed to the front door. My great uncle looks at the large door and knocks softly.

"This doesn't sound safe, are you sure this is okay?" I asked.
"There is no need to worry." Ford said.
"I don't trust this place, Great uncle." I said in a worried tone.
"It will be fine."

The door slowly opened as we both step back. Ford looks inside the castle and sees it empty, we both walk in and I feel a chill.

"Hello? We don't mean to bother but there is a bad storm and we can't see." Ford yelled.
"This doesn't seem like a good idea," I said.
"This is a fine idea."

We walked around this dark castle and I still don't have a safe feeling to this place.

"M-Mabel." He stuttered.

I turn around and see three young men, they look about my age or a year older than I. I'm only seventeen but their two inches taller than me.

"Why have you entered this castle?" The man wearing all red asked.
"Our horse ran off and it was snowing?" I said.
"You have no right to be here." The man in yellow said.
"I'm sorry, we didn't know," I said.

We started to float in the air as we see their eyes glowing. They snapped their fingers and we teleported to a cell.

"You're now our prisoners." Someone laughed.

When I see them leave I look at Ford in terror. We both sit down and thought that our lives would be over.

Pov Dipper

It's been five hours and they should have been back by now. When I go on these trips with Ford they don't take that long, I mean I'm getting worried. I stepped outside and I see Mabel's horse.

"Take me to them."

I got on the brown horse and it raced to a different route. I've never seen this part of the forest, it looks dead to me. I got off the horse because he refused to move. I got off and it raced off into the woods. Well, there goes Mabel's horse.

I walked for a few minutes and found a castle. I saw the door wide open and I raced in. I saw a piece of her dress on the floor. I open a door and see a bright pink dress in the distance.

"Mabel!" I said.
"Dipper!" Mabel said.

I see Ford sitting they're just giving up. Mabel looks at me in terror and grabs my hand.

"Mabel I'll get you out of here?"
"No, leave now before it's too late Dipper. There is a monster just leave without us." Mabel said
"I promised mom that I'll protect you." I said.

Mabel looks behind me and I see two guys behind me. I look at them and say.

"Let my sister and great-uncle go." I said.
"Why should we?" The one wearing all red asked
"Why do you need them here?" I asked.
"They enter our kingdom and-"

A third person came in and he was wearing all yellow. The other two guys left the room and I looked at him.

"They are not leaving." He said.
"Why not? They didn't mean to walk in." I said.
"Leave before something happens to them." He said.
"I'll do anything to free my sister and my great uncle." I said.
"Two may leave but one has to stay." He smiled.
"I-I'll stay." I said.
"Dipper you can't!" Ford finally talks.
"I-I'll take their place, just let them go, I won't fight you." I said.
"Very well." He smiled.

He snapped his fingers and Mabel with Ford was gone. I walked into the cell and didn't look at him.

"Didn't even get to say goodbye."

Third person.

Mabel and Ford were back at home, tears streamed down the girl's eyes. She didn't want her brother gone, she didn't even get to say goodbye as well. Ford looked at Mabel and hugged her tight.

While at the castle Bill was walking down the stars as Pacifica walked up to him.

"Master?" She said.
"What?" Bill said.
"Shouldn't we be nicer to our guest? He is staying with us after all, I mean he did sacrifice his own freedom for his sister." Pacifica said.
"He's fine where he is," Bill said.
"Remember what the witch said, you have to be nicer." Pacifica said.

Pacifica smiled as she raced to the cell where was in. Soos and Mcgucket followed her.

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