Chapter Two

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Deadmau5 ft. Gerard Way- Professional Griefers 


"This place really isn't that old. Well, it is a hundred years old to be exact. Maybe some extra years, give or take. It was owned by Reyna Parks and her husband. Her parents before her originally bought it and built a giant mansion which is where my sister and I live," Rayleen said pointing at a place bigger than our pack house.

"What does your sister do for a living?"

"She owns the town and other businesses back in England. She went to school to study business and stuff that has to do with the stock market. She looked around for a few years for a big investment near the water. We're kinda attached to the beach. It's amazing,"

"How old is she?" Jace asked.

"Twenty four. She's a freak brain," she giggled. "Anyway Reyna Parks decided to build a little town. Since it's so beautiful here. Once people started to come as tourists some of them just never left. She died a year after we moved here. She sold the land to Ray cause she promised to keep things as they are. Reyna couldn't have kids and never really got around to adopt. Ray was more than willing to oblige with the dying woman's demands. Even if she wouldn't have demanded that. Who would want to change it right? This place is perfect,"

"Why did you say it would be a stupendous idea for us to expand this way?" she smiled.

"You need space and we can use your power here," a few people walked by glancing in her direction.

"Hey Ro," some girls waved at her but it kind of seemed forced like they didn't want to be near her. Fear and respect. Rayleen gave them a simple nod the way I did when a pack member greeted me.

"That was weird," Jayce whispered low enough so that only I heard him.

"It's only because my sister owns the town. You're the alpha you should know about respect," she explained. Had she heard that? There's no way a human could have heard that.

"Yeah," I agreed. Maybe she acts a little like us because she grew up around wolves.

"Its a great investment business wise. Lots of tourists come here. Profits are high and my sister could use some help with managing it all. This is the town square. Here we have parades, celebrate holidays, have block parties, and giant barbeques. It's Sunday so it's a quiet day but we usually have a flee market, dancers, live music. Karaoke. You'll never be bored here. The people keep it clean, safe, and problem-free,"

"Are you selling us fun and games, Rayleen?" I asked. She giggled.

"Yeah, I mean it's easier to have some insight on something You're interested in before you start to add up pros and cons. What better way than having the owners little helper tell you everything you need to know before you go up to the man?" we all laughed.

"The man?" Jace asked. "And who would that be?"

She smirked and pointed to a building right in the middle of the town square. The town hall. It looks like a mini castle. In fact, everything is stone made except for the shops they're made to look simple, homey, and warm so that the town hall looked luxurious and beautiful like a cathedral instead of just a simply built building made out of rocks.

This place is like something out of that princess movie where the smart girl falls in love with a werewolf that likes to dress up as prince charming. It's the perfect cliche place for a cliche romance. Even the people seem to be on board with everything that's been perfectly set up for them.

"My sister. Her name is Rayna Osiano," she smiled. "Come and meet her,"

"Ro, where the hell have you been? Ray was pissed when she pulled out your jet ski and you never showed up. She's been out there for two hours already," a guy stormed out of one of the back rooms as soon as we all walked in. She brushed him off without saying a word.

"Come on, vacationers. She's out back,"

My wolf stirred in me as the faint scent of frozen strawberries and vanilla washed over me as we walked further into the building. The place looks normal surrounded by empty desks with computers, bookshelves, blinders, city plaques.

The scent disappeared once we reached the back patio and was replaced with salt water and gasoline. The patio is simple, with a touch of elegance, and is pretty much just a small pier. A pink and purple jet ski is parked floating at the edge of it. That's where the gasoline smell is coming from.

The water is clear blue slightly greyish because of the jet skies and the small motorboat. The pale golden sand and rocks were visible below there along with the green plants and small fish. This place is exactly what I had imagined it to be an so much more.

"She's over there," Rayleen pointed out into the open ocean excitedly.

In the distance, a small silhouette began to make its way towards us pretty fast. Which should be dangerous considering how thick the waves were. She obviously knows what she's doing or she doesn't care that she could go under. She's not even wearing a life jacket.

Against the sun her hair looks fiery red. It's a lot longer than Rayleen's. She is definitely older than Rayleen. Maybe even a little taller. There's something about her that's drawing me in. Something that doesn't let me look away.

My wolf is now on alert trying to fight his way out. I popped my neck trying to relax but it didn't help that damn animal was being just that. An Animal. He feels threatened for some reason. The closer she gets the stronger the draw is. 

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