Chapter Six

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Imagine Dragons- Next To Me


She gave me a review of the financial status of the town. I am impressed, her small town makes a third of what my businesses in the city does. Security control is shit, yet she manages to keep it crime free. The people here were just so happy. I couldn't help but notice that two-thirds of the population are men. Woman shortage. That's weird, men like a variety of women to keep around for several different purposes. Even the married ones.

"How do you like it here?" Rayna asked when I arrived at her manor.

I leaned over the rails of her back yard looking at the beautiful sunset as it melted into the ocean like a light burning out knowing it was another's time to shine. I turned my attention to her. Looking closer at her eyes. I noticed that they're nothing like Rayleen's. Rayna's are green, with a subtle gray outline, and amber. They glistened in the light of the setting Sun. That feeling of her not telling me something washed over me again. Humans aren't like this. At least, none I've ever come across.

"It's beautiful here. I want to talk about more than just the property. I know you know what we are. We haven't spoken much about it. I know to give you your space but eventually, in the very near future, I hope. You have to make a choice. Is this side of town where you want to stay?"

"It's not so much I want to. I have to," she whispered almost to herself.

She smiled and looked down into the waves that somehow look like they're beating against the side of the cliff trying to climb up towards her. These past few days I have gotten closer to her and have gotten to know everyone around. The woman, of course, loved me and the guys... nothing to say really.

Some of my wolves are already starting construction and moving into the vacant houses here. My parents are on their way to meet the New Luna of Rock View Pier. I still don't have the answers that I want. She evades questions better than anyone I've ever met.

"So, you don't want to come back to the pack house with me?" I asked. My wolf didn't like that one bit.

"There's something I have to tell you Ethious and I'm not exactly sure how you're going to take it," my heartbeat began to race as those words left her mouth. Is she going to reject me?

"Alpha, we've found a body," one of my hunters shouted behind me. I have to find a way to reward the guy for saving my ass. It hopefully gives me a chance to change her mind. "Alpha, he's alive,"

I looked away from her and ran after him. Ray, hot on my heels. When we reached the scene, two of my female fighters were with him. One of them held his head on her lap while the other one holding his left hand. His eyes were closed but he kept breathing.

"Alpha," Jane, my fighter with the guy's head on her lap looked up at me with tears and a hint of fear in her eyes.

"Jane?" I asked and she began to sob. "Turn him. Turn him now,"

"He saw it. It will erase his memory," she reminded me, hope swirling in her eyes.

"We can look for this thing without him saying a word. Turn him, Jane. Take your mate home," She extended her canines and bit the man without me having to ask her again.

I stood up and gave the order to get them somewhere safe before any human saw him shift into a wolf. Former wolves can be fickle at times. It would put humans in danger if they got to close while he's getting used to his new heightened senses.

"Alpha, some of the trackers caught the scent of a fanger in the area. It's fresh," Mason reported.

"Get me four patrols to monitor that. Everyone else keeps to the search. Tell me if the fanger wants to make contact,"

They all went back to what they were doing. I began to look around. Whatever it was, it has a scent. All my present wolves caught on to it. It's something moldy, salty even. They began to switch with the other groups so each group has someone familiar with the scent. It would be hard not to notice it once we come across it again.

"Why did you let him go?" Rayna asked. It wasn't a rude question but a very curious one.

My wolf stopped me from answering her impulsively which would have been somewhere along the lines of because not everyone is a cold heartless bitch who can live without her mate. He stopped me from saying it as I looked her over I couldn't help but think that even if she did reject me it would be alright. Not every mated pair is destined to be together.

I'm just glad that I got to know the kind of mate I would be granted. Given all the anger I've felt over the years of not having one. Shit, I'm not even sure she is going to reject me. Maybe she just wants to stay near the water. I'd move the pack house here. Her mansion is big enough to house all who stay in my pack house. More than big enough. I just want her near me. Fear isn't a good look on me.

"Mates are hard to find. Once a wolf finds their mate even if it is for a brief instant. The thought of losing them is unbearable. We'd do anything to keep them alive, at our side, and happy. Even if it meant them leaving us and not being on our side as long as they are alive, safe, and happy,"

I rambled. I hate that I did. She smiled grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze. Whatever the fuck this meant for us I'd have to take it. Even if it is until we have the time to be alone again.

"I have to go find, Ro. It's time for us to go for a swim. I need to talk to her,"

"Alpha, the fangers want to make contact," Laynie, the other female fighter that had been with the victim walked over to us cautiously.

"Laynie, go with Rayna and her sister take Samuel and Jensen with you. Make sure they're safe. Alert me if anything happens," I ordered. She nodded.

"Luna," Laynie addressing Rayna bowing before her in respect.

Rayna smiled and motioned Laynie to follow her. It's clear that my mate is familiar with power. It isn't weird for her when my wolves address her the way they do. It almost feels like she prefers it. I hope whatever she has to say to me gives me some insight on who these two girls are. I've tried to find them but it's almost as if they've never existed before now.

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