Chapter Seven

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Deorro ft DyCy- Five Hours (Batfam headcanons are the funniest thing ever.)


"I was about to tell him. Then one of the wolves caught up to us and a body came up. Then after that I just didn't think it was the time to do so," I said as we floated against the low tide of the waves.

"Liar, you panicked," she laughed.

"Shut up,"

Our skin is taking in the salt water letting us replenish being outside of the ocean for so long. Seven wolves are patrolling the beach around us. Every so often they would make sure we hadn't drowned yet or at least that's what I think they're doing.

"He's going to be upset that you didn't tell him sooner," Ro sighed blowing bubbles into the water.

"In my defense, he wouldn't have told us what he was until I fell in love with him,"

"Are you in love with him?"

"Yes. From the moment I laid eyes on him but he doesn't know that." that is the plain truth. I didn't even have to think twice about it. It was love at first sight. He couldn't be more perfect.

"You know he's a little plain. I mean yeah he's an alpha. I just... I don't know I guess I always thought you'd be with an angel or an Incubus," she giggled.

"He's a wolf,"

"He's still not Shane Blake," she giggled.

"Shane Blake. I think I would have killed myself if he would have been my Desire,"

"We should get going," she laughed and began to swim deeper into the water and then she dove down.

I followed her. The ocean floor is another world entirely compared to the world to which we refer to as the world of the dry Landers. I've learned to love both worlds equally. I find peace in them both. Actually, the underwater world is a little scarier than being up here. Everything is darker. Oddly shaped. Wet.

When we started to go back up to shore the fighter named Lucas let out a sigh of relief when he spotted us both. He's standing in the water half soaked and out of breath like he had panicked for a moment.

"I got her," he said into an earpiece. I wondered why they used earpieces. Maybe they were too far to link each other. "Luna, I thought I had lost you for an instant,"

"I'm right here, Lucas. I'm not going anywhere," I smiled trying to be reassuring. Ro giggled behind me. "We're swimmers. Sorry about that,"

"Are you going back home or would you like to wait for the alpha?" he asked.

"Home. Would you be a dear and tell him I'll be by his place tomorrow at eight am?" I shouldn't have used my power on him but it has been a while since I've used it and I needed to. It brought some relief. The urge to feed is starting up.

"I'm right here. I'll take you home," His voice startled me. I instantly let Lucas go and looked over at Ethious who is coming towards us. There's a curious gleam in his eyes.

"Dumb ass," Ro whispered under her breath as she walked past him. I sighed.

"Alpha," Lucas addressed him shaking his head a bit. A guilty look crossed his features.

"You're dismissed. Have Drake run the perimeter around the mansion," Ethious's voice sounds pissed now. His wolf probably looked compromising in his eyes.

"Yes, sir. Have a good night, Luna," he said it like saying my title out loud reminded him of who I am.

"What was that about?" I asked. Ro began to walk ahead of us. Now she decides to give us some space.

"You tell me," he demanded sternly.

"I'm sorry but it sounds as if you are accusing me of something," he let out a sigh.

"I'm not accusing you of anything," he didn't add anything after that.

I am in the wrong though. I have no right to pretend I was mad or am mad. He caught me using my call on that poor guy. I almost had him too. I wonder if he's going to tell us that we're not allowed to use our call on his wolves. That would suck.

Ethious came to an abrupt halt. I turned to look at him but before I could finish moving he grabbed me pulling me until he slammed me against his body. I looked up at him startled by his sudden movements. I mentally slapped myself for not sensing it. The look on his face is one of frustration.

"You're mine. Do you understand that? If you don't want to be with me that's fine but I will not allow any male to take my place by your side. If I can't have you no one else can," he growled.

Saying I was shocked by what he said, is an understatement. I got on my tippy toes trying to get closer to him so we were eye to eye. He's completely serious about this.

"Why would I want to be with anyone else when you are what I want. You are my Desire. You are mine and mine only," I grabbed the back of his neck and brought him down to me pressing my lips to his.

A cold wave took over my body and settled in between my legs in desire to have him please me. Ethious dominated the kiss as he lifted me wrapping my legs around his waist and he settled us on the sand while I straddled him. His hands roamed my bare back and my bare legs. I began to push him back when someone cleared their throat behind him. Ethious let out a low growl letting me it was a human. I looked up to see officer Darren Black looking very upset.

"Officer," I tried not to laugh before looking myself over, making sure my bathing suit is where it's supposed to be.

"Ms. Rayna, isn't it a little late for you to be out on the beach. It's after curfew. A curfew you set ma'am," I looked down at a very pissed off Ethious who didn't even bother to looked over at the officer.

It isn't the officer's fault. Ro and I have used our call on him several times. He must be feeling jealous and Ethious can probably smell it.

"I'm sorry officer Black. I must have lost track of time," I said releasing my call on him. His anger quickly subsided and he smiled.

"It's alright, Ray. Don't let it happen again," he smiled at me and then turned down to look at Ethious with a disgusting glare. He stood up after me and pulled me into him possessively.

"Do you always get away with shit just like that?" Ethious asked.

"Always baby. It never fails," I responded as we headed back to my house. Murder isn't the worse thing I've gotten away with. 

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