3: Showers Galore, Smell No More

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I had started taking the bullies advice and showered more. I was spending 1 hour on average in the shower . I took 5 showers a day amd ran through six sticks of deodorant a month. But still I would hear the constant chants of
" Guessing you live under a bridge" or
" Gonna need to apply some more deodorant so that I don't smell like these nasty fuckers"
Or better yet they don't say anything but put deodorant and soap on your desk.and spray you with perfume as you walk out.
I was started taking up to 10 showers a day went through 8 sticks of deodorant a month would wash my clothes non stop and spray cologne before I even dared to get the mail.I thought but was something simple or something I could fix on my own.
My whole room stunk, I was the butt of every  joke, My neighbors hated me, I had only one good friend and I hated myself. I thought it was something I did which only made me angrier. I hated life at that point. I thought if maybe I just showered more or used more of a stronger deodorant or washed my clothes with a different detergent it would all be fine.  I wanted to except nothing was truly wrong with me .
One day my only friend confronted me about it and said " Yo Mikey did you like let yourself go when your grandmother died cuz dude you reek" .
"No I've been showering like crazy. I drown in cologne I just smell its awful and I hate it"
" Don't lie to me man what's really going on do you just magically smell like fish or something" Rob asked
" No I don't know what is going on but it just is" I said
" Well get over it" He responded
I went through a horrible 7th grade year

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