Chapter 17

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Later in the day we were in the sun room having lunch together,K.P, Raven, Nash, Gabe and I. Earlier when I check on Raven she and K.P was laughing. They had come up with a great plan to get back at Justin. Of course I quickly agree to help them, no man was going to play my sister and get away with it.

Whiles I was there in her room Raven called Justin and asked how he was going if he needed anything. She even told him she had pay off all his mortgage she knew that it would get his attention. She then told him they should celebrate, he asked her if I had talk to her and she said we had a fight yesterday and we weren't talking. He believe her of course.

Besides he had seen us fight many times before and he knew we sometimes stop talking to each other for a few days but he also knew we eventually make up. So he wisely told her about the incident and he claimed the woman was one of his clients. And I was acting irrational and I had embarrassed him. He was so stupid if he think that I wouldn't tell Raven what happen because we were fighting. He had been with Raven for more than two years and the fact that he didn't know that neither of us would allow anyone to hurt our best friend and get away with it just proves he was using Raven. If he was smart he would have realized that telling Raven that I was acting irrational was a big mistake.

Before we could put our plan in action I had to call Trey and warn him not to say anything to Justin. Trey was quick to agree. I guess he didn't like what his brother did. Also I think my threats to take away his restaurant help him agreed more easily.

We meaning Raven, K.P and I was telling Nash and Gabe our revenge plan when Gail can in and announced that I had visitors. Before she had finish talking I heard Antonia voice.

“Mommy" she said running into the room throwing her arms around me. For a twelve year old she can sure act like a little kid.

“I miss you so much, you hardly come visit us" somehow she ended up in my lap with her face bury in my breast and she was hugging me. I hug her back and she was right I hardly visit them. Seeing her brother at the door I wave him in. He entered and kiss me on the cheek.

“Hi mom" he paused “uncle Gabe what are you doing here?"

I heard Gabe answer and I saw Antonio at the edge of my eyes saying hi to his aunts but I was focus on Nash. I didn't tell him about my kids. I wasn't trying to hid them I just don't talk about them much. Don't get me wrong I love them very much but telling people about them means talking about my past. Talking about their father.

Nash was looks stunned. He was looking from Antonia in my lap to Antonio sitting on the chair at the side of me.

“Antonia and Antonio this is Nash, we're dating" Antonio look up from his tablet and said hi to Nash and then when back to doing whatever he was doing before.

Antonia whisper to me he's hot mom, then she turn to Nash and said.

“I'm Antonia, I'm twelve years old and I'm the favorite as you can tell, so Mr. Nash what are you intentions with my mom?"

“Okay its time for us to leave" Raven said grabbing K.P hand and pulling her out of the room.

“Wait for me" Gabe said running out the room after them. 

“What's wrong?" Antonia ask innocently.

“Honey you need to sit on a chair I have to tell you guys something" looking from Antonio to Antonia letting know I'm serious.“ But first I need to know why you guys are not in school"

“Its my fault mom" Antonio said surprising me. He was my quiet genius whiles his younger sister was the trouble maker.

“Tell me what happen"

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